“What kills this country is the interpersonality of the elites” Éric Verhaeghe

by time news

Éric Verhaeghe, former senior civil servant and editor of the Courrier des stratèges, returns to our set for an essential Interview on the subject of the legislative elections. He is interested in the characters of Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, highlighting some of their political characteristics, then he plays Madame Irma by predicting the different possible outcomes for the second round of June 19.

“If we had wanted to elect a president absolutely committed to making France a simple regional power and stripping it of all its international ambitions, we would have chosen Emmanuel Macron. […] What is happening in France has become a simple anecdote that occupies the little people.he quickly asserts, explaining that domestic policy is “become accessory” for the president, whom he has “other things to do.”

Assuring to regret “France of 86”Éric Verhaeghe regrets that Emmanuel Macron has “continued the hyper-presidentialization of the regime”. According to him, “he crushes others and cannibalizes his majority”while banishing “those who are not like him”. And “reflex of the dominant bourgeoisie”according to our guest.

See also: “Macron doesn’t care about the national interest” François Asselineau

On the Jean-Luc Mélenchon side, the founder of Courrier des stratèges admits that he “manages to make people dream with not much”even if the left wipes “a crushing defeat” (21,000 votes of difference), in particular because of the abstention (52%) and the phenomena of dams. Finally, according to him, it would be necessary “a combination of extraordinary circumstances for him to obtain a relative majority in the National Assembly”but it is still possible.

This is also one of the two outcomes that Éric Verhaeghe imagines: a relative majority of the NUPES. He even considers that it could be a godsend for Emmanuel Macron, because it would free him “to do the dirty work in Brussels”. In the (slightly eccentric) hypothesis that Jean-Luc Mélenchon manages to be appointed Prime Minister by Parliament, our “hyper president” would no longer have to “dealing with domestic politics”and could “show off on international photos” as he pleases.

The other outcome of the vote would obviously be a relative (if not absolute) majority of the presidential party, and this would allow Emmanuel Macron to “to engulf the parliamentary right”according to our guest.

Read also: A macronist-lepenist republican front on the march against the left [1/5]

Be that as it may, Éric Verhaeghe does not budge: to save France, we must “bleed the radiator”and “complete renewal of the elites of this country”and the end of the Fifth Republic. “I believe that France remains a great countryhe tells us, and that they are the ones who pull France down by explaining to us that our destiny is to obey the United States“. “What kills this country is the inter-self of the elites”he summarizes before concluding with a kind of moral: “I worked for the Republic, not for the caste. I consider that it is necessary to give back what I received, but not to serve.”

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