Palm fat .. Learn about its health importance and its uses

by time news

palm fat It is the heart of the palm, which is known as “the Jammar”, is famous for its multiple health benefits, and is also used by men frequently because of its ability to enhance sexual ability and reproduction, but it warns its use for patients with chronic diseases to avoid exposure to serious health complications. the public.

Information about palm fat

The Jammar is extracted from the upper part of the trunk of the palm, where it is cut and the bark and fibers are removed to extract the heart, or the so-called Jammar.

It tastes similar to artichokes, except that it is distinguished by its white color, and it is imported fresh from Costa Rica.

It can be eaten raw after peeling or eaten after baking in the oven, knowing that it comes canned in the form of cylinders that are cut into round slices.

It contains various nutrients that enhance its nutritional value, making it a safe alternative to meat.

It contains protein, carbohydrates, fiber, sugars, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, potassium, vitamin C, and a small percentage of fat.

The health importance of palm lard

Eating the Jamarat brings health benefits and benefits to humans, the most prominent of which are the following:-

  • It improves bowel movement, enhances the efficiency of the digestive system, and helps treat indigestion.
  • It contains manganese and vitamins that boost the immune system, preventing diseases and infections.
  • It contains a good percentage of iron, which prevents anemia.
  • It also contains few calories, and contains fiber that gives a feeling of satiety, which makes eating it helps to lose weight.
  • It controls the level of sugar in the blood, so it is useful for diabetics, as it contains manganese, which promotes metabolism and insulin secretion.
  • It helps fight most types of cancerous tumors thanks to its antioxidant content.
  • Maintains bone health and protects against osteoporosis thanks to its magnesium content.
  • It contains beta-carotene, which strengthens eyesight and enhances vision.

The uses of the stones in cooking

It must be taken into account that the Jamarat can be eaten raw or cooked, as follows:-

  • Jammar slices can be added to many types of sauces and salads.
  • Jammar rings can also be added to pizza and pies.
  • Some prefer to add it to seafood.

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