the French flock to the ventilators

by time news

The very high temperatures this week are causing a rush of consumers to household appliance stores. Hoping to find some freshness, customers buy fans and air conditioners.

A heat wave has been hitting France since the start of the week. To cool off during this heat wave, consumers are once again rushing to fans and air conditioners.

Household appliance stores have seen a very strong increase in these products for the past few days. “ Monday, June 12 was equivalent to all of the fan sales of the past week.we observe at Fnac Darty. And this phenomenon is not new, since strong heat waves are becoming more and more recurrent each year. “ Last year it was exactly the same at the same time.explains Joachim Pommeret, manager of the refreshment offer at Leroy-Merlin. “ The fan responds to a heat that is not unbearable. Customers therefore tend to come back to him quickly when heat waves arrive. When the heat wave sets in, they then move more towards air conditioners, which are more expensive. »

An offer that adapts

To cope with this increase in the consumption of refreshing products, the major retailers have had to adapt: For 3 years, we can clearly see that the subject of the heat wave has become recurrent. We therefore anticipated this year with large stocks of products ordered in advance, in all stores. “We explain at Gifi. This phenomenon has also led brands to diversify their offer, year after year. “ Our range of fans, inflatable pools and air conditioners is only growing. From the portable fan to slip into your handbag, to the floor fans, including the air blowers and the silent oscillating fans, we have something for all tastes and all budgets. Pedestal fans remain the most popular, followed by desk fans and ceiling fans. “Customers are also looking for innovative and aesthetic objects. Fans equipped with a timer, which allows you to set a precise activation time, are becoming increasingly popular.sums up the Gifi spokesperson.

SEE ALSO – Heat wave: “This hot air bubble has nothing to do there”, analyzes Cyrille Vanlerberghe

Large surfaces have also decided to adapt their offer during this period of high heat by offering promotions on their air conditioners and fans. “ With the decline in purchasing power, our mission is to help the consumer. We have therefore set up a promotion of-30 % on all products in our refreshment range, until June 19th. “we explain at Gifi. Leroy-Merlin, for its part, has launched the “Hot Shot” operation, which offers reductions on many fans and air conditioners, until June 28. But the question of price does not seem to worry consumers too much for the moment. “ It is too early to tell whether inflation will have had a lasting impact on the purchase of these cooling products, although it is quite possible that fans have been more successful this year than air conditioners whose price fluctuates between 300 and 400 euros minimum.» Analysis Joachim Pommeret.

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