Honor: Ponty was elected to the board of the European Union

by time news

The chairman of the Israeli Judo Association, Moshe Ponti, was elected to the board of the European Judo Association EJU. Ponti joins the small board of directors of the European Union, which indicates the status of Israeli judo in the world in general and in Europe in particular.

Ponty himself was moved by the choice: “It is a great honor for me to represent Israeli judo in the European administration. In recent years, the status of Israeli judo has intensified, we have hosted many international competitions in Israel, both in the world and in the European framework, we have excellent relations with many countries, and we have managed to break boundaries in our world relations. I am proud and happy. We will continue to do for the sake of judo and Israeli sports. “

Ponti took over as chairman of the Judo Association in January 2012 and has since helped put Israeli judo on the world map. Since taking office, various Israeli judokas have brought medals and titles from various European and world championships, as well as Olympic medals.

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