“Hamas’ position must be destroyed without delay”: Ashkelon Beach Council leader calls on government | Here south

by time news

The IDF’s response to the rocket fire tonight was an attack on a Hamas post overlooking the Enrichment Lane. Despite this, the post is still standing and Hamas members have already returned to it.

Posted on: 6/18/22 10:14 PM

Following the attack from the Gaza Strip and machine gun fire at the settlement of Nativ HaAsara today, the head of the Ashkelon Beach Regional Council, Itamar Revivo, calls on the government to act firmly and uncompromisingly to remove the threat posed to the settlement.

“It is not possible for the residents of Netiv HaAsara to live for more than six months as ducks in the range, on a daily basis, with the Hamas terrorist observation post facing them. Leaving the position indicates weakness and weakness and threatens the security and sense of security of Gaza and Israel.”

It will be recalled that about six months ago, Hamas established an observation post higher than the wall separating the settlement of Netiv HaAsara from the Gaza Strip.

Today, in response to the shooting from the Gaza Strip, the IDF carried out an attack. Against the position, except that the attack was “surgical” and dropped only the shell and the whole position remained intact. Already during the day, Hamas members climbed on it with flags.

Hamas’ position before and after the bombing, with Hamas members on it. Photos: Amnon Ziv

“The fact that the position of a terrorist organization has been within reach of the moshav for a long time is unacceptable and contrary to all logic, civil and security,” Revivo added. “We demand that the Israeli government act firmly and immediately to remove the threat. “Once he has decided to fire a single shot, we must wait for the next whim for the purpose of removing the threats. Hamas’ position is an immediate threat and must therefore be destroyed without further delay.”

Watch the bombing:

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