6 ingredients in toothpaste that you should avoid when buying

by time news

Monitor newspaper: Toothpaste is an essential ingredient and is used more than once daily, and it is important to know its ingredients and whether there are ingredients to be avoided when purchasing.

According to Scitechdaily, you should avoid buying or using any products that contain the following ingredients:

1. Synthetic dyes: The dyes in toothpaste do not make it healthy, especially since some dyes are derived from petroleum or coal tar, which are ingredients linked to certain types of cancer, and the health risks lie when swallowing small amounts daily.

2. Diethanolamine DEA: Diethanolamine DEA is a chemical used in many products, including toothpaste, which is a petrochemical derivative sometimes added to products, such as cosmetics, shampoos, and soaps, as a surfactant, emulsifier, foaming agent, and thickener, and in toothpaste It helps prevent tartar build-up, but it has some downsides.

3. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS): SLS has been the focus of numerous studies that have linked it to skin irritation and other health problems, but it’s still considered safe by the FDA, because no scientific study has clearly shown that SLS causes cancer or serious disease. other. But it has been confirmed that it can cause mouth ulcers, so it is best to avoid its use if possible.

4. Triclosan: Triclosan disrupts the gut microbiome. The FDA banned the use of triclosan in antibacterial soaps in 2016 and in toothpaste in 2019, warning that triclosan can cause inflammation of the gums and tongue and alter the pH level in the mouth, resulting in To increased sensitivity and dehydration.

5. Titanium dioxide: Some toothpaste manufacturers commonly add titanium dioxide. It is used to whiten teeth and reduce tartar buildup, but it can also irritate teeth and gums.

6. Artificial sweeteners: Although a strong link between artificial sweeteners and cancer has not been proven, studies show that they can disrupt the functioning of the gut microbiome. So although they may make toothpaste taste bland, it’s best to avoid them in foods and toothpaste.

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