Can drinking coffee affect the relationship

by time news
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Coffee has a lot of great goodies. Studies show that Drinking two cups of coffee a day is beneficial to health. As long as it’s within the bounds of good taste – coffee is only beneficial.

But coffee is good not only as a nice drink alongside a cigarette or a cake, but it has a number of degrees on a variety of topics, which are worth paying attention to.

Business meeting

Whether you are coming for a job interview or whether you are sitting down for a business meeting. When the host asks, “Would you like some coffee?”, Do not politely refuse. On the contrary, treat yourself to coffee.

The reason behind the decision to agree to receive coffee from the host is simple: coffee is hot. It makes the conversation long and serious. No more “Hello hello, who are you and what are you good at?”, But it causes you to ‘sit down for a conversation’.

Same thing in a business meeting. If you only drink water. Within a minute you have finished it and the atmosphere of the meeting may be accordingly. But if you sit down for coffee, chances are you will also talk about other issues not related to the meeting you sat down for – which is very good.

A rule is in business meetings: “Eighty percent of the meeting time is on other topics and only twenty percent will be on the meeting topic.” Once you talk about other things during the meeting like where you studied (huff, I also studied there) or what apartment you are going to buy (it will be expensive to live here, eh ?!) – become friends and anyway when it comes to talking about the meeting – the move will be much easier .

Coffee makes the meeting not cold, but hot (literally) so do not the next time you are offered coffee – do not refuse, even if you have already drunk before.

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For two main reasons we recommend that you sit down for a ‘conversation over a cup of coffee’ with your partner.

First: a conversation over a cup of coffee, as mentioned, is more binding. It’s not another glass of water we finish in a minute, unless you’re sitting over hot coffee, you have at least ten minutes of drinking and talking to yourself.

A warm drink from the heart (Photo: H.T.)


As a rule, you should sit down for at least ten minutes every day to make a brief summary of how we went today and what we would like to have tomorrow. A conversation over a cup of coffee is a great invitation to make this important conversation.

Secondly: Studies show that drinking a hot drink brings hearts together. Scientists have found that those who drink hot coffee respond to the environment in a much more peaceful way.

So if you feel you need a little more time for your relationship, drink coffee or hot chocolate together – it can do wonders for your relationship.

Bonus tip: Hot drinks should be drunk from a glass. Feels much more luxurious and classy.

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