5 signals from your body that you have an omega 3 deficiency

by time news

Our body is very smart. If you don’t get enough of a certain vitamin, the body shows it with subtle symptoms. Also with an omega 3 deficiency: did you know that the ailments below can indicate a deficiency of omega 3?

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats fit well in a healthy diet. They protect the body against cardiovascular diseases, among other things, we read at the Nutrition Center. But what exactly are those fatty acids in? Oily fish, for starters (hello sushi!). Seafood is also full of these healthy fatty acids, as well as vegetable oils such as linseed oil.

5 signs of an omega 3 deficiency

Important to remember: the symptoms below do not necessarily mean that you have an omega 3 deficiency, but if you can tick multiple symptoms then you could be deficient. Do you want to know for sure? Have your values ​​measured by your doctor to be sure.

1. Your hair is thinning and breaking

Unfortunately, there can be several reasons for thinning hair, and a deficiency of omega 3 is one of them. Do you notice that your hair is becoming more and more fragile, do you suffer from split ends or falling hair? Then an omega 3 supplement might make a difference.

2. “Brain fog”

Ever heard of brain fog? We can best describe it as concentration problems and forgetfulness. In Dutch we sometimes call it brain fog. “Some clues that you are not getting enough omega-3s include difficulty concentrating or memory issues,” dietitian Maya Feller tells Well+Good. An omega-3 deficiency in later life is also linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia.

3. Fatigue

Have you been inexplicably very tired lately? Fatigue is also a symptom of a deficiency of omega 3. Good to take into account!

4. Dry, irritated skin

Just like with hair becoming dry and thin, your skin can also suffer from an omega 3 deficiency. You notice this if your skin becomes increasingly dry, red and irritated, or even if you suffer from pimples.

Omega 3 fats help with water retention. Even if you drink enough water, your skin can become dry if you don’t get enough omega-3 fats, because your skin can’t hold the moisture.

5. Dry Eyes

An American study has shown that a high omega-3 content in the body can reduce dry eyes by 17%. If you suffer from dry eyes, an omega 3 supplement could help.

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5 signals from your body that you are not getting enough omega 3 fats

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