Turkish singer Ibrahim Tatliss arrives in Israel: “Does not engage in politics at all”

by time news

20 years after he last performed in Israel, the biggest cultural icon in Turkey – singer Ibrahim Tatliss, is coming to two performances in Jerusalem. In a special interview before he takes the stage, the singer tells what Jerusalem is doing to him, and does not forget to refer to what is happening between the countries – “The relationship between Turkey and Israel is of great importance.”

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İbrahim Tatlıses

Tatliss. “I intend to surprise with the backing singers”

(Photo: Courtesy of Ibrahim Tatliss – Poll Productions)

A great many artists are considered in countries where cultural icons have grown and their popularity among the residents and in general outside the countries where they appear is always inspiring. In the case of the Turkish star Tatlises, the fact that he is more beloved than Turkish President Rajab Taif Erdogan (at least that is what they say in Turkey), this is a phenomenon that many find difficult to explain. In two weeks on June 28-29 he arrives Two performances at the Sultan’s Pool, alongside 25 musicians.

Tatlises sings in the Arabesque style which is a Turkish Arab and Kurdish style with the splendor of his work lying in collaboration with traditional orchestras of yesteryear. He is mostly endowed with his “Ozone Present” style curls (long breath in Turkish HR). The Turkish nightingale’s nickname is ‘Ivo’ and he started his career with his first album (out of 53) in 1965. Shortly after the release of the album he was sent to prison due to the fact that it included songs in Arbesk which were then illegal.

Following his arrest, Turkish residents revolted against the law, causing its repeal and of course the release of the singer who continued to release records at a dizzying pace. Despite being a Kurd, Tatlises continued to gain great sympathy in Turkey and in the 90s became one of the best known singers even outside the borders of his country. In ’92 he got a TV show called ‘Ivo Show’ which was a musical show with live performances by singers of all kinds and within a few years the show became one of the most watched in Turkey.

Tetliss has a stormy and good affair with Israel, which is reflected in the fact that many Israeli singers belonging to the high school singer used his melodies such as Itzik Kala, Ofer Levy, Zehava Ben and even hosted Sarit Hadad in Israel with the song “Haida Soyla”.

Tatlises’ career skyrocketed but in March 2011 he was seriously injured after being shot in the head by an unidentified vehicle while leaving with his personal assistant from a recording studio in Istanbul. Following the shooting he was on the floor for a few days and after a month in the hospital he left for Germany where a long rehabilitation campaign began: “I went back on stage because I missed her” he recalls. “After such an injury I am a miracle from God.

What does it feel like to return here after 20 years? “The Israeli audience has a place in my heart because it is rarely warm, it is an embracing and happy audience. The people in the country know my songs and for me to perform in Israel is like performing in a house you miss, in a place full of love.”

How much do you know where you’re going to perform – the Sultan’s Pool, and do you intend to stay and walk a bit? “I am especially happy to perform in Jerusalem and I realized that the place where Ashir used to be a hammam and today a large complex where artists from Israel and the world perform. Jerusalem is loved by everyone, historical with religious and cultural importance. Do you know someone Jerusalem does not excite? “I know when my next time I will visit Israel will be, I am no longer a child and I intend to walk in the city and enjoy the good weather, the smells and the special atmosphere. I hope I will also have time to travel to the Dead Sea and Tel Aviv.”

What do you think about Israeli Mediterranean music and its singers? “I know a lot of Israeli singers and some of them are very good. I meet some in Turkey. I have already sung with the Israeli singer Lynette, who is like my little sister. And she has been a guest three times on my TV show. We both have a joint Israeli promoter, Amiram Revivo. “Bimot,” they are responsible for my arrival in Israel. “

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Lint. Lint.

Lint. “Like my little sister”

(Photo: Uriel Cohen)

It took a full time until you returned to perform here, was it because of the bad relationship that existed between Turkey and Israel? “No. Just Amiram and my father did not invite me (he laughs H.R.), if they had invited I would have come before. I will not lie, I was very excited to see our two Honorable Presidents in the palace, it was a special moment that I believe will come back many more times. Very similar, except for the size of the country and the number of residents. ”

As mentioned, it took two decades to bring Tatliss back to Israel and behind the scenes this required insane logistics that included approvals for the members of the orchestra that would accompany him. One show was initially scheduled and sold out within ten days. So it was decided to have another show the next day. Tatlises: “It’s not obvious, I’m glad I’re been coming for two shows. I’m been performing since ’65 and still get excited over and over again. I want to deliver to the audience in Israel that I have chosen especially songs they will love including the most popular songs.”

Quite a few singers and musicians wanted to be your warm-up show, can you already tell us who was chosen and in general what is going to be in the show? “I’m not enough ?! Am I accompanied by an orchestra that includes 25 musicians ?. (laughs again). I do not want to tell what will be in the show but yes say I intend to surprise you. With God’s help”.

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