Muhammad Majadele explains the support for Benjamin Netanyahu in Arab society

by time news

Against the background of the doubt about the continued existence of the coalition and the possible walk to the elections, Muhammad Majadele (News commentator 12) was a guest on Ben Caspit’s program and Winon Magal on 103FM, and addressed the possible distribution of votes in the event of elections within Arab society. At the beginning of the conversation, the three talked about a recent survey conducted by the joint list of Arab society, and its surprising results regarding the votes that the Likud party receives.

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“The Likud there gets almost a seat and a half, but this is not new. The Likud, especially in the last election, received 3-2 seats in Arab society. The interesting statistic is that the Likud alone gets more than all center-left parties combined,” Magadele explained. News 12 commentator also referred to Yesh Atid’s decline in the poll data, saying that “if we look at the polls that were before, Yesh Atid Lapid received two seats, this time it is not there at all. I mean, it does not even manage to get half a seat in Arab society Very interesting”.

Another significant figure that can be seen in the survey in question is that the joint party receives six seats and is even close to seven, compared to the RAAM party, which according to the survey does not pass the blocking percentage at all.

Majadele tried to explain the surprising support within Arab society towards Netanyahu: “This is the counter-movement of the biggest disappointment of the Arab public who went in droves and voted twice for the joint list which received 13 seats and 15 seats, recommended Ganz twice and then he went on to form a government with Netanyahu “. He added: “What does the Arab public say? ‘We do everything we do, and in all the scenarios we accept Netanyahu at the end. So leave, we will vote for Netanyahu at the end.’

When asked how he explains Netanyahu’s preferential support from Arab voters over the center-left parties, he once again emphasized the disappointment felt by the Arab public: “Because they Have already tried it and were disappointed. They voted for Meretz and the Labor Party, there is a very big disappointment in the center-left society. In Arab society and also in the Arab worldPoint to a strong leader“Netanyahu is sitting on this square, and the issues that the Likud touches on all the time – the Mizrahis, the issue of the cost of living, the discrimination, these are also things that are very connected to Arab society.”

He then went on to elaborate on the good intentions of the government, saying: “There is no doubt that this government is doing and has very good intentions in terms of Arab society, both in eradicating crime and violence, also in terms of budgets, in many things. And to the police for what they are doing to eradicate crime and violence. “

But despite the good intentions, Majadele also referred to his disappointment with the many murders within Arab society that continue to occur more than ever: She sent an Arab party to the coalition and she floatedE see greater change.

Finally, the commentator presented the optimal scenario for him for the political integration of Arab society within Israeli politics: “You can also live with an Arab list that represents the public, that is moderate, that is not Zionist and will still represent the public and be part of Israel and integrate into Israeli society. the solution”.

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