Call for a sun-safe sports environment

by time news

With the Manifesto ‘Towards a healthy, sun-safe sports environment’, the Skin Cancer Care Steering Group in the Netherlands calls for a sun-safe sports environment. The call is addressed to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Sports and Municipalities Association (VSG), the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) and NOC*NSF to pay attention to the importance of a sun-safe sports environment in the new National Sports Agreement.

Skin cancer is, by far, the most common form of cancer in the Netherlands. The Steering Committee – a collaboration of, among others, the association of dermatologists, patient organizations, RIVM and IKNL – launched the National Skin Cancer Action Plan in 2021 to halt the enormous increase in the number of people with skin cancer in the Netherlands.

Skin cancer is mainly caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation. Outdoor athletes – from hikers to elite athletes – belong to the high-risk target groups. Athletes at height and/or on specific surfaces such as snow, water and sand have to deal with even stronger UV radiation, while sweating means that the skin is less able to stop it.

The National Sports Agreement that is currently being drawn up should therefore focus on the prevention of skin cancer. Covering the skin, creating shade and providing sunscreen for free make a substantial contribution to skin cancer prevention.



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