Purchasing power: without an absolute majority after the legislative elections, will the executive be able to pass its measures?

by time news

It was to be a formality. Or almost. For several weeks, the final adjustments to the “purchasing power package” had been made in the ministries concerned. Food voucher – inflation, new boost at the pump, reindexing of pensions and social minima at the beginning of August, thawing of the index point, tripling of the Macron bonus, abolition of the audiovisual license fee…: a handful of measures – not yet all specified — had to be adopted urgently by Parliament before the summer, within the framework of a specific bill and an amending finance bill, to round off the end of the month for the French while inflation reached 5.2% over one year at the end of May. But the day after the legislative elections, nothing is recorded, far from it.

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