Elections repeat: Bennett and Lapid agreed to dissolve Knesset next week

by time news

Drama in the political system: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Deputy Prime Minister Yair Lapid agreed on raising the law to dissolve the Knesset next week. As part of the agreement between the two, Lapid will be appointed prime minister of the transition immediately after the dispersal. According to estimates, the election will be held in September.

The leaders of the coalition parties are now meeting in the Prime Minister’s Office, and Bennett and Lapid are expected to make a statement to the media later on.

According to Bennett and Lapid, the decision to dissolve the Knesset was made after “attempts to stabilize the coalition have been exhausted.” According to political sources, Bennett was the one who made the decision after realizing that the chances of approving the Judea and Samaria regulations were zero.

According to political sources, this morning (Monday) the Prime Minister held a conversation with Nir Orbach in which Orbach informed him that he would vote next week in favor of dispersal. Bennett then realized that the chances of stabilizing the coalition were zero and decided to advance the election.

The Lapid sector was still optimistic today about trying to extend the coalition’s days to the end of the summer session, while Bennett’s entourage was probably already organizing for the end of the government’s days.

Opposition leader MK Benjamin Netanyahu said: “My friends and I will form a broad national government headed by the Likud. A government that will take care of you, all Israeli citizens, without exception. A government that cuts taxes, lowers prices, will lead Israel to great achievements, including expanding the peace circle “As we have already done. And above all – a government that will return the national pride to the citizens of Israel so that you can walk the streets with your head held high.”

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz tweeted this evening: “Unfortunately, tonight we are signing the chapter on the government of change. A government that in its year of activity has done much for Israeli society, its security and resilience and will continue to work for it even during the transition period.”

Justice Minister Gideon Saar tweeted: “As I warned – the irresponsibility of certain Knesset members in the coalition has led to the inevitable result. The goal in the upcoming elections is clear: to prevent Netanyahu from returning to power and enslaving the state to his personal interests.”

Meretz chairman, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz tweeted: “This government has succeeded above and beyond. This is a historic government that has saved Israeli democracy. I’m proud of our part in it. We made a huge effort to maintain it. Her achievements will be remembered for many years to come. Meretz will continue to work for Israeli society, and we will fight in the upcoming elections for our values ​​and our way. ”

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