“What attracts a quality worker is interest, not ice cream” – Techtime

by time news

June 20, 2022

The crisis in high-tech is leading many companies to reconsider their recruitment strategies, which are based on ostentatious indulgences. Codwellio CEO Tali Shem Tov believes that good developers and engineers have never been drawn to the glittering things, but to a professional matter

Although the crisis in the global capital markets has dramatically cut the value of Israeli high-tech companies on the stock exchange, it has not yet translated into waves of layoffs, bankruptcies or liquidation sales. Estimates suggest, however, that the U.S. economy, followed by the rest of the world, is likely to go into recession, so it is too early to assess the full implications for the domestic high-tech sector.

One of the aspects that the new economic conditions are expected to change is the field called “employer branding”, which in recent years has become a real industry in Israel. As part of the battle for every employee, high-tech companies competed with each other, who showered its employees with more grandiose treats and choppers, from vacations to exotic destinations to exclusive parties with the best artists. Now, it seems that high-tech companies will have to think of other strategies to attract and retain employees.

CodeValue is a company whose main asset is its employees. This is a software house that provides development and integration services in the digital and cloud worlds. The company employs a team of senior developers, who are integrated into the development programs of the company’s customers, who come from the high-tech, banking and financial sectors, security, cyber and more.

In a conversation with Techtime, the company’s CEO and co-founder, Tali Shem Tov, talks about the company’s conduct, which was not always swept up with the current trend. “Even when everyone around us was extravagant, we took a more conservative approach. We have a duty to the employees, and also to the investors, to behave responsibly. ”

Shem-Tov is a manager with long experience in Israeli high-tech. Before founding Codwellio in 2020, together with Eyal Zilberman, Alon Felis and Amir Zucker, and leading it to an IPO on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, she managed the software testing company QualiTest for 20 years (2000-2020). During these years she has witnessed many upheavals that have threatened high-tech companies. “In previous crises, like Bug 2000 and the dot-com bubble, the powerful companies, the ones that preserved their DNA, survived the crisis. It’s like a Darwinian process. Again, this is what it will be. Even if there is a slowdown or a recession, those who will succeed in the period will be the stable companies. “

The current crisis does not reduce the demand for digital development and transformation services. On the contrary, sometimes during periods of recession, investment in technology increases. Codwellio is in the process of expanding and increasing its workforce. At this stage, its expansion strategy is mainly based on acquisitions of foreign development companies. The company has an off-shore in Romania. It recently signed agreements to purchase two more software houses, one in Romania and one in Bulgaria, which will significantly increase the workforce.

Codwellio employs architecture and software development people, UI / UX and DEVOPS developers. These are highly sought-after areas in Israeli high-tech, and the competition for every skilled worker is fierce. Shem Tov believes that the key to recruiting and retaining these employees lies in understanding the “personality” of the developer.

“I do not believe that what attracts people is parties. I think a certain disgust has already developed for this culture. What attracts quality people is an opportunity to develop professionally and the fact that there is meaning to what they do. It is important to maintain the professionalism of the company and the technological leadership. We will make sure to take the most significant projects, stay at the forefront of technology and enrich our employees, constantly developing the technological toolbox available to them. It should be understood that developers, programmers and engineers are people who live and breathe technology, and that is what attracts them, not ice cream in the kitchen.

“What keeps employees going is a matter of interest. When a worker is bored and does not develop, he will leave even if for a lower wage. also A healthy balance between work and private life is an important aspect today. These are the people we are looking for, those with professional curiosity. Of course, it is also important to pamper the employees and make them feel comfortable, but that is not the point. ”

According to Shem Tov, the recruitment process is the best opportunity to reflect to the potential employee the professional level of the company. “The recruitment process needs to be professional. Some companies have given up on this for fear of losing candidates if the recruitment process becomes too demanding. I think the opposite. The more you adhere to a high-level recruitment process, with the involvement of the company’s senior professionals, the more you will arouse in the quality employee a greater desire to integrate into the company.

Posted in categories: News, Information Technology, Cloud, Interviews

Posted in tags: CodeValue, Tali Shem Tov

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