After the legislative elections, Christian Jacob repeats that Les Républicains are “in opposition” to Emmanuel Macron

by time news

No ambiguity on Sunday, no more on Monday. Christian Jacob, the president of the Republicans (LR), repeated, Monday, June 20, the party’s fierce opposition to any idea of ​​a coalition with the presidential majority, which emerged very weakened from the second round of the legislative elections. “There is no question of a pact, or a coalition, or an agreement of any form whatsoever”he said when he left LR’s strategic council, arguing “a very healthy debate” in this meeting, which allowed a choice “Almost unanimous, ultramajoritaire”.

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He made a point of reaffirming that his party was “in opposition to the government and Emmanuel Macron”. According to him, the Head of State “fractured the country like never before, he exploited the extremes and put France in the situation we know today”. “We are in opposition to En Marche!, the National Rally and the far left and we remain on this line”, again defended Christian Jacob, who announced the holding of an LR political office on Tuesday June 21.

The Republicans will do by the fall “a series of proposals” on various subjects ranging from education to immigration, continued Mr. Jacob, who intends to maintain for his party a form of initiative, while LR could theoretically represent the necessary support for Emmanuel Macron to pass his reforms.

“France must not sink into immobility”

But Catherine Vautrin, the ex-LR president of Grand Reims and approached for Matignon before the appointment of Elisabeth Borne, called in an interview to Release the right to take “responsibilities” around a programmatic and government agreement with the Macron camp.

“Today, it is important to avoid the paralysis of France. We are facing a completely new situation.”analyzes the chiraquienne. “Perhaps we can look to other countries, especially Germany, and make ourselves capable of creating the conditions for a majority. Let’s use the time ahead of us to achieve, around the President of the Republic, a majority guaranteed by a government pact bringing together reformers aware that France must not sink into immobility.”explains Vautrin to Freed.

According to her, “we must agree on the subjects that we consider to be priorities”before quoting “the country’s energy transition – an imperative necessity –”, ” the purchasing power “, “pensions and our social pact” or “on reindustrialization”. “While imagining, why not, a review clause or an analysis of the programs so that measures carried by LR are added to the President of the Republic’s project”she imagines, adding: “Behind, finally, could be a unity government”.

” Responsibility “

The mayor (LR) of Meaux, Jean-François Copé, had made waves on Sunday evening, speaking of “vital government pact” with the macronist camp, “in order to fight against the rise of extremes”and assuming that“It is up to the Republican right to save the country”particularly on the subjects of security, public spending, secularism and state reform. “Everyone is now faced with their responsibilities at the end of this electoral disaster for the President of the Republic”, he added. For her part, the mayor LR of 7e arrondissement of Paris, Rachida Dati, had assured on TF1: “We will be a decisive bloc since we are a party of responsibility. »

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Macronists themselves had launched calls for goodwill, which were aimed above all at the right. Bruno Le Maire had called, on France 2, for a ” compromise “ MPs around the Together! coalition. The Minister of the Economy – former LR – called for “listen, talk” within the new National Assembly, wishing for a “new culture of government” in this context.

The president of the regional council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Renaud Muselier, also ex-LR and support of Emmanuel Macron, had defended the same line from Marseille. “We will have to find in the coming days the best means, the best mechanisms to avoid ending up with an ungovernable country at such an important moment in its history”he had warned.

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