For Marine Le Pen, an effortless triumph

by time news

On the stage of Hénin-Beaumont, a long-time Lepenist stronghold in Pas-de-Calais, Marine Le Pen displays one of her two dazzling smiles: not the one, forced and a little feigned, of her many defeats in the race at the Élysée, but that, authentic, of an unprecedented victory.

“[Le peuple a décidé d’envoyer un très puissant groupe parlementaire de députés du RN] in the Assembly, which thus becomes a little more national. This group will be by far the largest in the history of our political party.” trumpeted the leader of the National Rally. Nearly 90 seats, a giant jump compared to 2017 – the deputies were then only eight, and the party had not been able to form a parliamentary group.

“This is unheard ofignites Steeve Briois, the Lepenist mayor of Hénin-Beaumont, especially considering that this electoral system is designed to penalize us.” The best result of the National Rally dates back to 1986, when the president at the time, the socialist François Mitterrand – to weaken the Gaullist right – had introduced the proportional system, which had allowed 35 Lepenist deputies

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Corriere della Sera (Milan)

Founded in 1876, the first Italian daily always mentions “In the evening” (“evening”) in its title, although it has been going out in the morning for more than a century. Serious and sober, the newspaper knew how to weather political vicissitudes while maintaining its independence.
From birth, the Courier asserted itself as the spokesman for the industrial bourgeoisie of the North. Its format, very large for a modern daily life, contributes to this image of seriousness and tradition. It belongs to RCS Mediagroup, bought in 2016 by businessman Urbano Cairo, which also owns the La7 channel.
Like other Italian national newspapers, its circulation has suffered a sharp decline in recent years, but it remains at the top of the rankings.
The newspaper is accompanied by a multitude of supplements including Set (Friday), I Woman (feminine on Saturday) and Reading (sunday).

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