The Treasury collected 1,200 million less in 2021 due to the enrollment crisis

by time news

Patxi Fernández




The Treasury collected 4,215 million euros for taxes linked to the acquisition of vehicles in 2021, which represents a reduction of 1,200 million compared to 2019, the last “normal” year by number of registrations and prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Broken down by type of tax, public coffers totaled 467 million euros for Registration Tax (+25%) and 3,748 for VAT (+5%).

These are the figures provided by the dealer association, Faconauto, during its General Assembly, held this Tuesday in Madrid. According to its president, Gerardo Pérez, these data reflect the bad moment that vehicle registrations are going through in our country. Pérez assures that “the perfect storm that the automotive industry is experiencing is leading us to a level of registrations far from what Spain requires”, around 1.2 million.

This already has implications in the contribution to the collection of taxes linked to the automobile, and also in the unstoppable aging of the fleet, which last year increased by 0.4 years on average, to 13.6 years.

This delicate moment is now being widely mediated by the effects that the war in Ukraine, the increase in prices or the sharp rise in fuel costs is having on family economies. For this reason, the employers, although they expect a certain improvement in the situation in the second half of the year, maintain a low sales closing forecast, with around 830,000 units, which would justify the adoption of conjunctural and shock measures that contribute to reversing this situation. . From Faconauto they consider that Spain should register figures similar to those prior to the pandemic.

In order to reverse this situation, the manager demands the implementation of decarbonization plans for the park, taking advantage of the establishment of Low Emission Zones (ZBE), which will be mandatory before 2023 in cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants.

The employers of dealers believe that this situation could be used, between now and the end of the year, to develop plans that encourage the purchase of vehicles with amounts that vary depending on the environmental classification of the DGT (0, ECO or C). Dealerships are already working on the implementation of this type of compensation system to achieve the goal of climate neutrality, making it affordable “even for citizens who do not have the resources to purchase a 100% electric vehicle.”

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