Giulia Caminito wins the Campiello Prize, “I dedicate it to women”

by time news – Giulia Caminito with “The water of the lake is never sweet” (Bompiani) won the 59th edition of the Campiello Prize. The 33-year-old writer-writer obtained 99 of the 270 votes received by the Popular Jury of Three Hundred Readers Anonymous. Second was Paolo Malaguti with “If the water laughs” (Einaudi), 80 votes, and third “Sanguinaancora” (Mondadori) by Paolo Nori, 37 votes.

Dedicated to women

“I wore red shoes to dedicate the award to women’s ability to read and write anywhere”, Caminito said moved during the award ceremony at the Venice Arsenal. “I didn’t expect anything at all, I certainly didn’t think I would win.” In fourth place “The happiness of others” (La nave di Teseo) by Carmen Pellegrino, 36 votes, and “The book of houses” (Feltrinelli) by Andrea Bajani, 18 votes.
“The water of the lake is never sweet”, the third novel by Giulia Caminito, had already been among the five finalists of the Premio Strega.


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