Bochazos and student claim for delays in the return to full attendance at the National University of La Plata

by time news

around 800 students of a total of 1000 failed the first partial from the chair of Anatomy Ca first-year subject Faculty of Medical Sciences from National University of La Plata (UNLP). Subsequently, the results of another fourth-year subject were known, infectologyin which the proportion was similar: 80% of the students they did not pass the exam.

The Unite student group called this morning a mobilization at the entrance of the academic building, located on streets 60 and 120 of the provincial capital, under the slogan “concentration for bochazos in the subjects and face-to-face”.

In this way, they claimed full attendancemainly in subjects of a certain complexity that they continue studying in an virtual. “We need the authorities of the faculty to guarantee the resources and mechanisms so that the chairs can return to face-to-face classes. Reaffirming that we cannot learn by taking virtual courses or, in the best of cases, every 15 days an hour and a half”, they published in the social networks of the grouping.

For his part, the holder of the chair of Anatomy C, Angel Narduzzipointed out to provincial media that “the result fell significantly”, since before the arrival of the covid-19 pandemic “We were around 60% approved and now we are talking about nothing more than 20%”.

And he added: “It is not that we increase the difficulty of the questions and that is why they disapproved. Rather than develop an answer, what they had to do was observe a part of an anatomical preparation and describe what it was: recognize if it was a nerve, an artery, a vein, a muscle, etc. They were very rude things and they did not know how to explain them.”

From Unite they agreed that the exam “was far from being a punitive partial or with bad intentions” and warned that these results [del 80% de desaprobados] could be repeated due to the mode of virtual course in certain subjects.

As for the matter of infectologylos students They argued: “We studied this subject in six weeks. We changed the modality of partial, which is written to be developed, and it is not clear what the correction criteria are, requiring 14/20 correct answers to pass it”.

In addition, they pointed out: “We see with concern these results, since they anticipate something that from our group we have alerted since the end of last year. Without full attendance, we students are hit by a poor training project and of restrictionsleading us to find bochazos probably also in other subjects where it is studied exclusively online.

“We demand the authorities of our faculty to take action on the matter and request more budget and resources for the return to full attendance “, they concluded.

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