Macron weakened, Europe fears having lost its French champion

by time news

“Legislative: a worrying French result for Europe”, these are the terms chosen in the title by The evening, in Belgium, from June 19, after the announcement of the results of the French vote. The new tripartite National Assembly and the loss of the absolute majority by Emmanuel Macron quickly caused a worried echo throughout Europe. At issue: France’s ability to maintain its European dynamic, even its leadership role recently acquired through Emmanuel Macron.

“After his re-election, Macron was well on his way to becoming Europe’s most powerful leader with five full years as head of state ahead of him, unlike Italy’s Mario Draghi, and a likely majority, albeit short but absolute, in Parliament, unlike the German Olaf Scholz. Now he has neither the unifying power of Draghi nor the stability and support of a coalition agreement like Scholz”. analyze it Financial Times in London.

On the contrary, add the Daily Telegraph, a daily battle looms for each file in Parliament. A fact to which the Head of State, strong with the powers of the Ve Republic, is hardly accustomed. “He hasn’t really made an effort to cultivate alliances, and he could pay the price. Especially since these elections have seriously tarnished

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