World Family Reunion 2022: Rome ready, Shalom World with live broadcast

by time news

Vatican City: The World Meeting of Families (WMOF) blessed by 2000 families from 150 countries and attended by Pope Francis will be televised live on Shalom World TV, as well as on Shalom World’s website ( Of Shalom World YouTube, Facebook Live streaming is also available on the pages. The 10th World Family Reunion, which begins today (June 22) at 6.00 pm Vatican time with the ‘Festival of Families’ session attended by Pope Francis, will conclude on the 26th.

The theme of this year’s World Family Reunion is ‘Family Love: The Call and the Way to Holiness’. The main venues are St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Peter’s Square, Paul VI Hall and San Giovanni in Lotharno Square. The World Family Reunion will feature discussions and classes that will help children, young people and adults to ignite and nurture a life of faith.

The papal Mass with the participants will be held on the evening of the 25th at St. Peter’s Square. The next day, Sunday, June 26, the pope will address a gathering of family members, including those attending the Angelus Prayer. Along with the closing message, there will be an announcement about the next meeting place.

The ‘World Family Reunion’ aims to strengthen family ties, pave the way for value-based family life, activate the family mission as a home church, and highlight the family’s role in molding good people. The organizers of the biennial conference are a diaspora for ‘families, laity and life’.

About 2,000 families from more than 150 countries are expected to attend the event. The ‘World Family Reunion’, which is held every three years, has a large turnout, but in Kovid’s context it is limited to 2,000 families. Rome (1994), Brazil (1997), Rome (2000), Philippines (2003), Spain (2006), Mexico (2009), Italy (2012), USA (2015) and Ireland (2018) are the other hosts of the World Family Reunion. Countries.

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