Mark Unveils VR Glasses Prototype, Takes to the World of Metaverse $10 Billion Unlimited

by time news

After Facebook changed its name to Meta last year, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced to the world that the direction of the meta business is heading towards Metaverse, Mark spending a huge budget of more than $10 billion this year. to make this virtual world become a reality

On Monday (July 20, 2022), Mark posted a video clip of an unfinished update to the prototype headset. Inside the lab that still needs to be revised To make users feel as real as possible when wearing the device. It is expected that it will be released for sale soon next year.

Spending at least $10 billion in budget this year focusing on research and development of technology both VR (virtual reality) which will take users into a computer-generated world and AR (augmented reality) where computer-generated objects are superimposed over the real world

“These prototypes are custom made in our lab. So it’s not a ready-to-ship product yet.”
Mark said

Mark Zuckerberg wears the prototype Holocake.

A Major Transition for Meta and Mark Zuckerberg

Of course, if Mark succeeds in getting everyone into the metaverse. It gives meta the opportunity to generate revenue from selling hardware. Along with the existing platform income immediately. Reduce the risk of relying on other companies Just like earlier this year, Mark posted a personal Facebook page. Tell about the future business direction by telling the adjustment of the company because it is affected by the use of AppleThe iPhone’s iOS privacy policy makes Facebook less accurate in earning money from ads.

The market for VR glasses or headsets is still very small compared to smartphones.

The market for VR headsets is small, and the question is how much the VR market will grow, with Meta dominating VR headset sales, with the Quest 2 currently worth $299, accounting for 78% of total headset sales. As of 2021, according to IDC estimates, the total number of VR headsets sold is just 11.2 million, which is significantly less than others. smartphone or computer

Mark may need to update the state of the metaverse world where he has invested so much and has a company at stake for the world to know. everything is possible Everyone is really about to enter the metaverse. Meta’s share price has dropped more than 50% in 2022 amid intense competition from TikTok and the impact of the iPhone privacy change. on monday May create some confidence for investors or at least make the worry less

Let’s see if the glasses or a marked headset Zuckerberg How was the experiment?

The goal of eyewear development is to want realism If we put on glasses, it must feel like we are sitting in the same room. Therefore, his prototype glasses need to be corrected in 4 main subjects

  1. Retina Resolution meta is developing a new virtual display. It is designed to provide a realistic enough experience for users. The current monitor has a low resolution. display distortion and cannot be worn for a long time
  2. Focal Depth The prototype glasses being developed must be able to focus on things around them clearly at all distances. like our normal line able to see both near and far
  3. Optical Distortion
  4. HDR (High Dynamic Range) is a picture quality that distinguishes between dark and bright areas over a wide range. It is a technology that makes the display of images more realistic.

This is Meta’s headset prototype.

Butterscotch Designed to test displays with higher resolutions, there are newly developed Meta lenses that reduce the limitation of field of view for more detailed and realistic displays. But this prototype It’s still too bulky. Plus, the circuit board has been opened.


Half Dome 3  Meta Mark says he has been working on the Half Dome headset since at least 2017. To test a type of display that can change the focus of the lens with Half Dome Meta technology, it can improve resolution and image quality. when used with a large computer monitor This latest model 3 has replaced the mechanical parts with liquid crystal lenses.

Half Dome 3  Meta
Half Dome 3  Meta

Holocake 2 Meta This is the thinnest and lightest VR headset the company has ever made. and can fully run any VR software if connected to a PC. However, it requires a specialized laser that is too expensive for consumers. and additional safety precautions must be taken.

Holocake 2 Meta
Holocake 2 Meta

Starburst HDR is the only technology most closely linked to realism, Meta says.


Mirror Lake Ski goggles style headset design show

Michael Abrash, Lead Scientist at Meta Reality Labs, said: “The Mirror Lake concept was promising, but right now it’s just a concept without a fully functional headset built to the final proof of the architecture. “But if it doesn’t appear It will be a game changer for the VR visual experience.”

Image from Meta
Image from Meta

Full clip of Mark Zuckerberg.

Data source CNBC

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