A “government of national unity”? Le Pen assures that Macron mentioned it, Véran wants to stick to “the republican arc”

by time news

End of inadmissibility. Marine Le Pen does not want to hear about any “government of national unity” that Emmanuel Macron would have, according to her, mentioned during their meeting on Tuesday at the Elysée. The leader of the RN, freshly appointed this Wednesday at the head of her group in the Assembly, estimated in front of the cameras that “the situation did not justify” such an agreement with the majority while the Head of State consults in turn the role of political leaders to assess the level of potential blockage in the hemicycle. In the absence of an absolute majority, the president will indeed have to compose and negotiate with each other to push through his reforms. A balancing act that could lead to dissolution in the event of paralysis.

“A trick of Macron to get out of an impasse”

To avoid such a scenario, the president is visibly open to possible alliances of circumstances, while some members of the majority say they are ready to work with the National Rally. ” ÇIt appears to be a trick by Emmanuel Macron to get out of an impasse, ”analyzes Julien Odoul, RN deputy for Yonne, on Wednesday. And to assure: “We will not be a systematic opposition, if the texts go in the direction of purchasing power. But we are there to embody the voice of the people. »

Also invited to the Elysée on Tuesday, the national secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, had also indicated that Emmanuel Macron “considers” the constitution of a “government of national unity” in order to find “ways for get out of the political situation” in the Assembly. The first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, and the president of LR, Christian Jacob, for their part affirmed that this subject had not been mentioned during their exchange with the head of state. “The answer cannot be poaching”, had also reacted Christian Jacob, reaffirming the wish of his party to be in the opposition and not in a logic of alliance, without however systematically opposing the texts and risk a parliamentary blog.

The national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou explained, after his meeting with the President of the Republic, having told him that he did not see the “need for a government of national unity”. He assured that his party is in the opposition but that he would vote “according to the interest of the country” and that he also intended to table “very ambitious texts on the climate”.

Stay in “the republican arc”, according to Véran

The Minister for Relations with Parliament, Olivier Véran, detailed on BFMTV the avenues available to the executive after the loss of the absolute majority in the National Assembly: “An enlargement” of the majority with “the continuation of going beyond center left/center right”, “an even wider enlargement” or “a system of majority project by project, sometimes with the left, sometimes with the right”.

But he immediately clarified that he was excluding the RN and LFI from the majority that the government is seeking to form to pass its laws, because they are not, according to him, “in the republican arc”.

“He is starting his ministry well”, but “we are used to it with Mr. Véran”, replied Marine Le Pen. “There is only one misfortune, it is not he who decides, it is the people who decide who is elected and in this case he is part of a group which does not have an absolute majority , so he is going to have to take the other deputies into account, ”she added.

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