How cholera is spread, what its symptoms are and what treatment it has

by time news




Spain has detected the first autochthonous contagion of cholera since 1979. Specifically, it is a young woman who has ingested bad water in the La Mancha province of Toledo. An event that has forced the Junta de Castilla La Mancha to proceed to the precinct of the farm where the source of infection has been detected.

have passed then 43 years since the detection of the first case of choler in Spain. Despite the fact that what has happened has set off alarms, the spread of cholera is relatively simple, since its main channel is contaminated water. In countries in Africa, Asia, or specifically in Haiti (where there was a severe outbreak in 2010), cholera is quite common, since its purification systems are not as advanced as in developed countries.

In fact, recently the authorities of the state of Suleimaniya, where the capital of the semi-autonomous region of the Iraqi Kurdistanhave declared a state of emergency after the confirmation of 13 cases of cholera in various parts of the territory and adjacent areas. A dozen cases have been confirmed in the state, plus another in Kirkuk and two more in the Iraqi province of Al Muthana, according to the balance published this Sunday by the Iraqi Ministry of Health and collected by the Kurdish agency Rudaw.

cholera symptoms

The main symptom that indicates that cholera has been contracted is severe diarrhea. In most cases it is accompanied by vomiting, cramps, general tiredness, and glassy eyes.

Though cholera has a simple treatment, as is the simple rehydration of the body orally or intravenously, can also lead to death. This is because it occurs mainly in children and because of diarrhea they lose a large amount of fluids that they do not recover later.

The most effective treatment against cholera

The best way to avoid it is drink bottled water or from the tap as long as it comes through public channels, which are obliged to purify the water and meet very strict requirements for its distribution. You should always avoid drinking stagnant water or water that comes from wells that do not pass any sanitary measure.

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