“Brussels neglects and humiliates the Balkan countries”

by time news

While the candidacy of Ukraine and Moldova for membership of the European Union is not disputed, the new policy of enlargement of the EU is the subject of reservations in the Western Balkans.

Because the majority of countries in the region are already candidates, at more or less advanced stages of the procedure. The candidatures of Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Albania are officially recognized and accession procedures are in progress, sometimes blocked by member countries for various historical and cultural disputes (such as for Bulgaria and North Macedonia). Bosnia and Herzegovina has submitted an application which is not yet recognized by the Union, and Kosovo has the status of “potential candidate” without having yet submitted an application.

Croatia and Slovenia, the only countries in the region to have joined the European Union so far, are pleading for their neighbours. “We understand the political reasons for giving the green light to Ukraine and Moldova, but by supporting only these two countries, the Union has neglected and humiliated the countries of the Western Balkans, in particular Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was also the theater of war [entre 1992 et 1995]”estimated the former Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, quoted by the regional channel N1. In 2009, Kosor helped unblock Croatia’s accession negotiations, suspended by disputes with Slovenia.

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic was even clearer: “Croatia will not allow the candidacy of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be forgotten. Not giving it the status of candidate for accession is tantamount to not considering this country as a State. There is no war or territorial issues [en Bosnie-Herzégovine]”underlined Milanovic, quoted by the site of Radio Sarajevo.

“The Balkans deserve similar treatment”

Slovenia is also taking action. Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon proposed a document on June 20 calling for the urgent granting of candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the document, which will be presented at the Brussels summit, Sarajevo must implement three reforms in exchange for candidate status, even before opening accession negotiations: that of its judicial system, another on conflict prevention interests and a final one on the regulation of public markets, reports N1.

“Western Balkans deserve similar treatment to Ukraine and Moldova”also affirmed on June 17 the new Slovenian Prime Minister, Robert Golob, during his meeting with Charles Michel, President of the European Council.

Commenting on the status of EU candidate granted to Ukraine, Zeljka Cvijanovic, President of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia, considered that this announcement violated the principles and procedures respected until then for other countries. “A country that does not meet any of the membership conditions is favored over the Western Balkan countries”, commented Cvijanovic, quoted by the daily Liberation, of Sarajevo.

According to the Croatian daily Jutarnji List, “compared to Ukraine and Moldova [dont s’est séparée la république autoproclamée de Transnistrie], Bosnia and Herzegovina has at least control of its territory. Admittedly, his state is not fully functional due to ethnic divisions, but granting Bosnia and Herzegovina the candidacy would encourage its leaders to embrace positive values.”

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