6 fruits, high fiber, low calories, stimulate the digestive system. flat tummy

by time news

4. Papaya (100 grams contains 2 grams of dietary fiber)

Popular fruit that many people People choose to eat during bad excretion. Because ripe papaya has a mild laxative effect. It is also easy to digest and has a lot of water when we eat it, thus adding moisture to the food waste in the intestines. Helps to excrete easily, not hard, do not need to strain for a long time We may be able to eat fresh sweet papaya at all. Personally, the author likes to cut the ripe papaya into small pieces. then stir fried with eggs This menu is very delicious and also stimulates the digestive system as well.

Papaya (100 grams contains 2 grams of dietary fiber)

5. Banana (100 grams contains 3 grams of dietary fiber)

sweet fruit Easy to find like bananas. Stimulates our excretory system well. With soft, easily digestible meat, it helps to promote our digestive system. Bananas also add moisture to the intestinal tract. This makes the food waste soften and excreted more easily. The author will eat 1 banana, followed by a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. After 30-60 minutes, it will be easy to empty the stomach without pain or distension at all.

Banana (100 grams contains 3 grams of fiber)

6. Apple (100 grams contains 2.4 grams of dietary fiber)

Best fruit for health Because apples are a low-calorie, low-sugar fruit, they are also packed with dietary fiber. We can eat apples as a healthy snack and also help stimulate our digestive system as well. The author’s favorite menu item is an apple juice smoothie. It uses 1 apple blended with banana and Greek yogurt. get the whole protein dietary fiber and carbohydrates It’s delicious and also makes it easy to excrete.

Apple (100 g contains 2.4 g fiber)

start changing behavior for a better excretory system

In addition to choosing to eat vegetables or fruits that are high in fiber then. We can modify other behaviors along with it to help build a better digestive system than before. And this is a secret that the author has applied and felt that the excretory system was noticeably improved.

  • Drink 1-2 glasses of clean water immediately after waking up. when did you wake up in the morning The author will drink clean water. 1-2 glasses (room temperature) to stimulate the various systems in the body, including refreshing the body. After that, this was followed by another cup of black coffee. This helped the author to take a tummy tuck every morning.
  • Exercise regularly 3-4 times/week. or if the day you do not exercise The author will try to move the body as much as possible. Walking, doing housework or doing laundry can help stimulate our intestines.
  • Emphasis on natural food. such as brown rice, pumpkin, taro, potato and all kinds of local vegetables Because these foods are very high in fiber. It helps to stay pregnant longer and also helps to excrete easily.

When we excrete on a daily basis will feel that the health of the body has improved Skin health is radiant. Acne problems will begin to noticeably less. Because whenever we have waste residue in the intestines for a long time. The body will absorb the water in these food waste to circulate throughout the body. as if we used water that had remained in the well for many days. The quality of the water is not good. Therefore, various behavioral adjustments to promote the digestive system better. Therefore, it is something that friends should pay great attention to. for our own good health

Thank you for the illustration of the article. canva

Cover image by Natalia Klenova.

Illustration of the content of the article :Image 1 by pixelshot / Image 2 by Nungning20 / Image 3 by Vladislav Nosick / 500px / Image 4 by pondpony / Image 5 by THEPALMER / Image 6 by kuppa_rock / Image 7 by zelenski.

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