5 simple tips to reduce 600 kcal per day if you want to lose weight

by time news

If you want to lose weight, it’s about taking in fewer calories than you burn. Easy to say, not so easy to do. Still, cutting calories doesn’t have to be a laborious affair. This way you save hundreds of kilocalories (kcal) per day.

Really, figuring out and reducing the number of calories in your diet isn’t as difficult as you might think. Issue of reducing high-calorie food groups. For example, have you been drinking a Coke every day for years? Cut down on this, rather than eliminating it completely from your diet. You will find yourself eventually replacing it with a healthier alternative that will eventually make you feel the same.

Tips to save calories every day

With these five tips you can effortlessly save 600 kilocalories per day. That’s easily two big Magnums a day. In principle, losing weight works the same as saving: you have to do it without really realizing it.

1. Choose real fruit and save 140 kcal

One of the easiest ways to cut calories is to take a critical look at your drink consumption. People today consume about 300 kcal more per day than thirty years ago. Half of this comes from sweetened drinks such as fruit juice and soda. Ditch the drinks and get your nutrients from real fruits instead of juices. Half a liter of orange juice contains 220 kcal. An orange? About 80. Read here why eating is better than straining if you want to lose weight.

2. Save 150 kcal with a different (or no) sauce

Swap the guacamole or salsa from a jar during your Mexican evening for a homemade sauce and easily save 150 kcal. Create the same savings by leaving the mayo on during the lunch break. Other variations of the topping switch: gorgonzola instead of grated Parmesan, dip vegetables in hummus instead of other dips, and sprinkle salads with lightly toasted pecans instead of oil-soaked croutons.

3. Save 130 kcal by not eating in front of the TV

Of course it’s tempting to Netflix all weekend, but all those hours in front of the tube usually cause great damage around your waist. Researchers found that people consumed 130 kcal more on days when they ate in front of the TV than on days when they ignored the remote control. If you want to lose weight, you only have to press that red button on the remote control before you eat.

4. No sugar in the coffee or tea saves 64 kcal

Many people still drink coffee or tea with sugar. One sugar cube contains 16 kcal. Calculate two cups a day with two lumps (or four cups with one lump) and you save 64 kcal per day.

5. Choose your eating moments and bring the total to 600 kcal per day

Eating fiber-rich, low-calorie foods before a meal (think fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups) can help reduce overall calorie intake. A study shows that people who ate a 100 kcal salad before their meal ate 12 percent less a little later. Make your first course a cup of vegetable soup or a mixed salad with fat-free dressing and make weight loss a lot easier. For the rest, you can simply make your portions a little smaller.

Weight loss and sports

In addition to eating healthy, you should of course also exercise or exercise to lose weight. And no, you don’t necessarily have to go to a gym for that. Check out these top 11 sports where you burn the most calories.

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5 simple tips to reduce 600 kilocalories per day

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