What to See Tonight: A series of superheroes that once again saves Netflix

by time news

Warning: If you manage to fall in love with this series despite its shortcomings – you can expect far too much fun this weekend. So if you are not allowed to have too much fun in religious, conscientious or health circumstances, it’s time to close this pane andGo read something serious and gloomy. Did you go? Beauty. Because just in time for your sitting binge, the third season of “Umbrella Academy” has arrived, a series of superheroes who travel in time and go through parallel universes and are based on the most fun and comic comics that Netflix has in hand, a modest but not bad answer to the celebrations. Marvel at Disney + and the wonders of “The Boys” on Amazon Prime Video.


“Umbrella Academy” is based on the comics of the same name created by Gerard Wei and Gabriel Ba, and if you missed the previous two seasons you will probably be happy to hear that it starts with 43 women giving birth to their surprise on 1.10.1989 without having been pregnant before. Whoever is responsible for this is the billionaire scientist Reginald Hergraves, who adopts seven of them as his children in order to train them as superheroes. The children who grow up with a robotic mother naturally develop into young people who suffer from not-so-simple personality disorders, including the fact that one of them is a giant gorilla man, one of them is old in the body of a small and neurotic child and one dies but continues to exist within his brother. In the midst of all this trolling they also need to save the world and great joy.

This season is also the season where the wonderful Alan Page who became the wonderful Elliott Page plays Vania Hergraves who became Victor Hergraves, and the series that was quite queer anyway became one of the most LGBT things on TV in a good segment. Great and there is a beautiful emotional range and surprisingly deep psychological layers, and most of all, she just does not take herself seriously and allows herself to run wild in every fun direction possible and be wild and sexy even at the cost of not saying anything about our world. Perfect escapism.

>> Umbrella Academy, three seasons in 30 episodes, now on Netflix

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