“I am Sister Angela’s heir” – time.news

by time news
from Emilia Costantini

The Sicilian actress protagonist, in the role of Azzurra, of the seventh series of the fiction Che Dio us Help produced by Lux Vide, with Rai Fiction, on Rai1 in 2023

From Miss Italia to novice (on set) and then the choice of a greater religious commitment. Francesca Chillemi with the character of Azzurra will become the true heart of the seventh series of God help us, the fiction produced by Lux Vide (Fremantle Group) in collaboration with Rai Fiction broadcast on Rai1 in 2023. As a spoiled and selfish girl, thanks to the support of Sister Angela (Elena Sofia Ricci) and after dramatic ups and downs, Azzurra begins to feel something inside her, a new reason for living. A small spark: the vocation.

The spoiled ex-girlfriend has had to face harsh trials – the actress begins – the mirror of what happens to each of us in life. The reason for the success of this series consists in the fact that many people can recognize themselves in it: for example in the solitude of those who, even though they have a family, do not feel part of it emotionally. Azzurra, who was born into a family-non-family, finds an energy in the convent that allows her to face adversity. a role that I loved from the first moment and from which I feel chosen.

What does Francesca have in common with Azzurra?

The inner fragility, which many have and which is due to certain traumas that affect us and then help us to create an armor. When I started this profession in the entertainment world I was very young, I gained independence, and I had to build self-confidence by creating a mask.

How did you prepare for this character?

Working on the psychological part and I was able to spend a whole day in a real cloistered convent. A very strong experience, I understood what a vocation means: there were some nuns, now elderly, who told me about their choice of which they were firmly convinced. For us it would be a life of renunciation, for them absolutely not.

Are you a believer?

I have a bit of my own faith. I don’t go to church every Sunday, but I pray every day: a work of introspection.

Are your parents happy to have a daughter first Miss Italy and then an actress?

I think so, it was a goal achieved and I remember the great emotion in receiving the crown from Miss from the hands of Claudia Cardinale. Furthermore, that year on the jury there was Elena Sofia Ricci, with whom I met again in this series, a bit like mother and daughter: the sign of destiny ….

And in the new fiction she will take her place …

Exactly. Sister Angela will have to leave the convent for various reasons and it will be Azzurra to welcome the girls who arrive, becoming their elder sister. And inheriting the task of Sister Angela, to come to terms with herself.

From whom did you inherit your passion for the entertainment world?

Since I was a child I dreamed of being an actress: I was fascinated by cinema, by TV series, I identified with the characters. Immediately after being crowned Miss I was catapulted into a context unknown to me and at first I accepted to participate in television programs in which I did not recognize myself: now I feel in the right place.

Have you ever wanted the stage?

I have received some theater proposals, but I have a problem: the relationship with the live audience scares me. I don’t know if I was traumatized by the first steps I took on stage after the election to Miss … I’m working on it, I have to overcome this handicap.

You were born in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto: does Sicilianity help?

Wow! I am proud of my Sicilian origins even if, when they ask me where I was born, I hasten to add Pozzo di Gotto to Barcellona immediately.


If I don’t hurry, people say: Barcelona? So are you Spanish? Apart from that, we Sicilians are open to everything. I come from a small place, but I am a citizen of the world and have woven bonds all over the world. Sicilianity helps.

June 23, 2022 (change June 23, 2022 | 21:23)

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