Germany: In memory of Eugene Dukhovny – MK Germany

by time news

At the age of 64, Evgeny Dukhovny suddenly passed away – a wonderful man and loyal friend, a great professional and skillful leader, a loving spouse and a caring father of three children.

Evgeny was one of the founders of the MK-Germany Publishing House and has been an integral part of it for 20 years. For friends and colleagues, he has always been and will remain Zhenya. Wise, sensitive, it happened and strict, ironic, but at the same time sincere and understanding.

Being quite tough when it comes to doing business, Evgeniy was able to find compromises, especially during the turning points, thanks to which new interesting projects were born.

Despite the outward calmness, he invariably amazed with his ebullient energy, inspiring people around to new achievements.

Eugene’s untimely departure is an irreparable loss not only for his family, colleagues, a huge circle of friends, but also for the Russian-speaking media landscape in Germany. Print press, radio, television – he managed everywhere, acting leisurely and thoughtfully, with special trepidation and took care of those around him.

Eugene had an amazing talent for dealing with even the most confusing situations. Analyzing them instantly, he gave wise recommendations and almost immediately offered extraordinary solutions. Taking what was happening to heart, he treated everything with a soul.

The Moskovsky Komsomolets Publishing House team expresses deep condolences to the family and friends of Yevgeny. Blessed memory of him and the Kingdom of Heaven!

* * *

The editorial office received a lot of condolences, all in connection with the death of Eugene. Here are quotes from some of them:

Consciousness does not want and cannot accept this kind of Izvestia! I was dumbfounded …

He sat and “stupidly” looked at the screen. Now the device will vibrate and the painfully familiar and at this moment very necessary “Evgeny Duchovny” will appear on the screen

– Hi Zhenya! Zhenya Dukhovny! ..

But Zhenya did not call and did NOT call!

Were we Friends ?! In the sense of frequent gatherings with wives and children at the same table – NO!

But if they met after months of separation, they hugged like siblings and could not stop talking for a long time.

In a circle of mutual friends, discussing this or that problem situation, they asked each other:

– How would Zhenya Dukhovny act now?

Always smiled at each other. This involved a deep respect for “Aksakal”, in the understanding that is inherent in the inhabitants of the southern republics of our vast Motherland.

In the full sense of the “white beard” Zhenya did not wear, but he was at least a little older than his entourage, and was endowed with the necessary experience and worldly wisdom much more than all of us. And the advice of Zhenya Dukhochny was very useful and necessary for all of us.

And for me He was BAIKE! – respectfully or pleadingly to name the older bike (translated from Kyrgyz – the elder cousin).

As a “Frankfurt” he is 3-4 years older than our family, and could advise on how to live in Frankfurt and how to earn money. As “Baike” He was an older cousin who could advise on how to start living in a “foreign land” and how to survive with dignity in this very “foreign land” …

Early in the morning, I was driving in a car – mentally asked:

– Zhenya, how would you act in this situation? – assuming that there is no need to explain and Zhenya is well aware of what I am asking him about.

Unfortunately, he didn’t say anything ..

In memory of a loved one!

Respectfully yours, Evgeny Levitin.

* * *

I offer my condolences to all family and friends on the occasion of Zhenya’s untimely death.

In the early 90s we worked together … In my memory he will remain a young, kind and cheerful person. May the earth rest on him … RIP

Dmitry Zakon.

* * *

Today terrible news came … Evgeny Dukhovny is gone. My close friend, wonderful person, loving father, caring husband! A little over a month ago, we congratulated him on his birthday. He was full of energy and plans …

Dear Zhenya, eternal memory to you and thank you for your friendship.

Nikolay Senkevich.


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