The son of Rabbi Moshe Yazdi is a suspect who committed a serious act on one of his father’s victims

by time news

Police have filed a prosecutor’s statement against Lior Yazdi, the son of Rabbi Moshe Yazdi, the leader of the Pillars of Peace community, who is accused of committing serious offenses and cheating on several women.

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Today (Thursday) the Supreme Court allowed to publish that according to the suspicion, Yazdi Jr. committed a particularly serious act several years ago, on a woman who also fell victim to his father’s actions.

In addition, he is suspected of falsifying evidence, obstruction of justice and threats. In the coming days, the prosecution is expected to file an indictment against him.

His detention was extended by five days.

Attorneys David Halevi and Yehuda Shoshan, representing Lior Yazdi, told News 13: “This is a complaint full of holes and crunchiness. Our client stands by his innocence and we are satisfied that our efforts have led to his immediate release from custody. It should be noted that despite the statement of the prosecutor, given in this case for the purpose of filing an indictment, the State Attorney’s Office acted fairly and decided to take a courageous step back and refrain from filing an indictment in order to reconsider this matter while hearing our position on the existing evidence. We want to believe that at the end of the day no indictment will be filed against our client. “

Advocate Ariel Atari, representing the complainant, responded to News 13: “This is a difficult case in which a son follows his father and brutally rapes a daughter in the community. The suspect added guilt to a crime and falsified evidence in an attempt to obscure the traces of his actions. “We expect the prosecution to prosecute the son and file an indictment against him for the crime of rape, just as he did for his father, who is currently being held behind bars.”

A month ago, an indictment was filed in the Jerusalem District Court against Rabbi Moshe Yazdi, who was arrested along with two of his associates following a News 13 investigation, on suspicion of committing particularly serious offenses against repentant women.

Yazdi is also accused of exploiting mental dependence that stems from counseling, conspiracy to commit a crime, prohibition of money laundering, denial of reporting, receiving anything fraudulently under aggravated circumstances and more.

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