The pass is back, our fight continues

by time news

TRIBUNE — It’s official, the covid is back, in France as in Europe. At least that’s what commentators, set doctors and self-proclaimed specialists who have been absent from our screens for a long time and who are making a catastrophic return with fanfare, claim. The European health pass, meanwhile, has just been extended for a year following a vote by Parliament, a vote which, strangely, has not made much noise for the moment. But in truth, this extension does not surprise anyone since the European Parliament and the Council had already agreed since June 13 on the adoption of this law [1]. For those who know how to read between the lines, it becomes obvious that we are jumping back with both feet towards a new period of liberticidal restrictions, a period during which new violent and discriminatory measures which should have remained ephemeral will take root ever more deeply in our legislation and our daily lives.

In France, very opportunely, the virus reappears [2] while we were miraculously deprived of its contagiousness during all these months of electoral campaign. Many commentators not devoid of humor were able to joke about this covid whose regular upsurges align with the French electoral calendar: here is a very democratic virus which always takes the trouble to spare the French populations when they have to surrender. at the polls to vote! Indeed, Emmanuel Macron and his consulting firms avoided communicating too much about the pandemic during this campaign, because new restrictions would have fueled popular discontent and accompanied the vote of the French towards parties considered “extreme”, that they either right or left.

However, if MEPs have once again quickly bowed their heads over the Brussels covid certificate, the scenario could be significantly different among French MEPs. We can indeed rejoice that the newly elected National Assembly does not yield a majority to the incumbent president as was the case during the previous five years of the exercise of Macronist power. Indeed, the new law which was to perpetuate the state of health emergency in France seems to have been stopped short. It had been scheduled to be presented on June 22, three days after the second round of legislative elections. But the influx of deputies from the National Rally and France Insoumise seems to have postponed the programming. However, Emmanuel Macron will have to present it to the deputies before July 31, the date from which the state of health emergency will officially end, if he wishes to continue to exercise his domination without counter-power as he has done since March 2020.

See also: Reintegration of suspended caregivers: Sylviane Noël’s bill

Whatever their political color, the opponents sitting in the hemicycle must temporarily put their ideological differences aside. Thus, they will be able to unite in this fight and block the draconian attempts of the presidential party. Already, Republican senators are showing them the way courageously by proposing a law aimed at “removing as quickly as possible this vaccination obligation for caregivers, to rehabilitate without losing a minute these thousands of men and women unworthily treated by the French State and to grant them, finally, respect and recognition [3] “. The discussions between the different groups and the union for the defense of fundamental freedoms may be able to stop the health madness and propose credible alternatives: we will wait for this new assembly at the turn. As for us, we will continue the fight that we have never stopped leading in the street, on television sets and even before the Constitutional Council. As the famous writer Georges Bernanos said: “We don’t submit to the future, we make it”.

Jean-Frédéric Poisson is president of VIA | the way of the people.

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