Amit Adler: Jahilia to Houdibia – History of the Palestinian Lie

by time news

“A nation that does not know its past, its present is poor and its future is full of fog” (Yigal Alon)

I come from a house that voted for the left parties. This all changed with the outbreak of the second intifada in 2000 – when it became known that Arafat was financing terrorist attacks and supporting terrorists and their families (after he had already signed the Oslo Accords). Unfortunately, we learned in our flesh the sentence that was most hated by us – Cahana Was Right; And we continue to learn it about our flesh even today.

Much has been written and more will be written about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I personally think there is no solution here unless it is decided to compromise territorially. Of course, every such attempt in the past has failed countless times, including when Ehud Barak was willing to return 97% of the territories – and was refused completely.

I personally think there is no solution here unless it is decided to compromise territorially. Of course, every such attempt in the past has failed countless times, including when Barak was willing to return 97% of the territories – and was refused completely.

But does a “Palestinian” deserve a state at all? And where does this name come from, Palestine?

Act 1 – Jahiliya

The first mention of the existence of a people called “Israel” In non-biblical sources, it appears in the Tomb of Israel, written in the days of Pharaoh of Merneptah in 1,209 BC (About 3,200 years ago). Back then we were still scattered tribes in the Land of Israel, which was under Egyptian rule.

Between the 9th and 6th centuries BC (2,800 to 2,500 years ago) – The kings of Assyria and Babylon conquered the kingdoms of Israel and Judah in a series of wars, and exiled us (the exile of Assyria and the exile of Babylon). Another conquest of Israel and Judah was carried out by Misha, king of Moab.

To describe their victories they left written records in stone indicating the names of the kings of Israel, who were captured or taxed: Omri, Ahab, Hezekiah, Jehoiachin and so on. All of these names, by the way, appear in the Bible.

One can go on with more and more archaeological finds proving our existence here; But the point is that in all that time, which preceded Islam in thousands of years (the Jahiliyah period), the Arabs still sat in the Arabian Peninsula and worshiped idols.

In the 7th century AD, Muhammad’s armies conquered Israel and named the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the ruined Temple Mount – falsely claiming that it was the “Al-Aqsa Mosque” mentioned once in the Qur’an (Sura 17, verse 1). But even modern Arab elements recognize that al-Aqsa is not in Jerusalem, but in the Arabian Peninsula.

One can go on with more and more archaeological finds proving our existence here; But the point is that in all that time, which preceded Islam by thousands of years (the Jahiliyah period), the Arabs still sat in the Arabian Peninsula and worshiped idols

It is impossible to make claims about occupied territories, because it is impossible to occupy a place where people have lived for thousands of years. Despite the Assyrian exile, the Babylonian exile and the Roman exile – Jews have always remained here, who were descendants of the first kingdoms and perhaps even before that.

A Syrian scholar claims that al-Aqsa is not in Jerusalem:

Act 2 – Palestine

“Palestine” is a Greco-Roman name given to the land of the Philistines (12th to 7th century BC), and is first mentioned in the writings of Herodotus and Aristotle. In the 2nd century AD (500 years before Islam), this was done to punish the Jewish people and sever their connection to the Land of Israel.

It is impossible to use the ancient Greco-Roman name “Palestine” and suddenly turn it into a Palestinian state. There has never been a state or entity called Palestine in the Land of Israel. Also, the Philistines and Canaanites are not the ancestors of the Palestinians, and of course the Christian Jesus was not a Palestinian as has been claimed in recent years; All this in an attempt to reinvent a non-existent history.

It is impossible to use the ancient Greco-Roman name “Palestine” and turn it into a Palestinian state. There has never been a state or entity called Palestine in Israel. Also, the Philistines and Canaanites are not the ancestors of the Palestinians, and the Christian Jesus was not a Palestinian.

If so, then there is archaeological evidence for the existence of the Kingdom of Palestine in northern Syria. Anyone who claims to be “Palestinian” can give up the terrible Israeli citizenship that oppresses him – and receive Palestinian, Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese citizenship and so on.

Do not believe only me. Arab leaders, including Arafat and Assad, have been saying this for years – there is no Palestinian people. Here is someone who says this in clean and clear Arabic very recently, alongside someone else (a little more familiar) who said similar things decades ago.

Former MK Azmi Bishara says there is no such thing as a Palestinian:

Act 3 – Hudibia

Islam allows for peace agreements, only to reassure the enemy and then attack him when he is not ready. This is what the Prophet Muhammad did to some of his enemies in the 7th century, and this is what the leaders of the Palestinian leadership, the Islamic Movement and the Arab parties continue to do today.

It is no coincidence that Yasser Arafat called the agreement with Israel a “Hudibia agreement”; He knew very well what it meant, and transmitted it to his people so that they would understand the message: “We are working for the Jews.”

Egypt did not do us a Khodibia-style exercise; Neither is Jordan. But the Palestinians have been doing this for decades – from Arafat to Abu Mazen, who also signs agreements and pays terrorists (as well as the leaders of the Arab parties in the Knesset, who demand the liberation of “Palestine” from the Zionist occupier at every opportunity).

Islam allows peace agreements to calm the enemy and then attack him when he is not ready. This is what the Prophet Muhammad did to some of his enemies in the 7th century, and the leaders of the Palestinian leadership, the Islamic Movement and the Arab parties continue to do so.

Even if we ever want to make peace here – with such two-facedness, it is impossible to come to Israel with complaints. This duplicity is also revealed before the “Nakba” of 1948 or the “occupation” of 1967. Even at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, Jews were murdered here by terrorist squads (riots of 1903-1939). Why? After all, there was no “occupation” then.

At the end of the British Mandate in Israel in 1948 and the beginning of the War of Independence – Jordan conquered Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem and Egypt conquered Gaza. The Jordanian and Egyptian occupation lasted until 1967, during which we did not hear a single word of “Palestine” or “liberation from the occupier.”

It was only when Israel reclaimed the territories in the Six Day War that the “Palestinian” Arabs suddenly awoke and began to demand demands. But Israel conquered Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria from the Jordanians and Gaza from the Egyptians. Not from the “Palestinians.”

The Minister of Religions in the PA acknowledges that the agreements are in the format of the Hudibiyah Agreement:


Some would say that there is no relevance between our history – and finding a solution to the existing situation. Even Ben-Gurion said in an interview in 1970: There is no such thing as a Palestinian, but a solution to the crisis must be found.

But if there is no relevance to historical arguments – why are they willing to blindly and automatically accept the Palestinian historical arguments?

Some history is irrelevant to finding a solution to the existing situation. Even Ben-Gurion said in 1970: There is no such thing as a Palestinian, but a solution to the crisis must be found. But if historical arguments are irrelevant, why of the Palestinians?

If it is argued that historical facts are not relevant to correcting the current situation, then the historical argument of Palestinian ownership of Israeli territory should not be considered either. Or perhaps only our arguments are irrelevant, and the arguments of the other side are automatically and welcome.

Brigitte Gabriel sums up 1,400 years of Islam:

To finish

There is one country here, which includes everyone – even millions of Israeli Arabs, some of whom go to the army, do national service and reach senior positions in the army, the judiciary and the corridors of power. There will be no more countries here, unequivocally.

And what about the Palestinians in Gaza, Judea and Samaria? As I said at the beginning, I do not think there is a solution to this situation. Yitzhak Rabin tried; Ehud Barak tried; Ehud Olmert tried; Ariel Sharon disengages from Gaza and receives a state of terror; Donald Trump and Prof. Mordechai Keidar also made sensible suggestions.

Guess who refused outright, and continues to demand the liberation of Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Lod, Ramla, Haifa and Beer Sheva? Guess who signs agreements with one hand, and continues to fund terrorism with the other hand?

A survey by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Polls, published in March 2022, found that 58% of Palestinians do not support two states for two peoples; In addition, 44% support an armed struggle in Israel to end the occupation and build one independent state.

There is one country here, which includes everyone – even millions of Israeli Arabs, some of whom go to the army, do national service and reach senior positions in the army, the judiciary and the corridors of power. There will be no more countries here, unequivocally

This place is a landscape of the homeland of Jews, Arabs, Bedouins, Druze, Circassians, Armenians, Samaritans and more. But that does not mean there will be 10 countries here.

The Palestinians have no reason to accept a state here. Palestine is a fabricated invention, and there is no justification for its existence – neither historical, nor political, nor practical.

So why are you willing to give them up? Very simple – because terrorism has won. This is the simple reason that thanks to it, in the end, there will probably be some order here in the future.

Welcome to the Museum of the History of Palestine:

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