Severe storms: twelve departments placed on orange vigilance

by time news

The days follow each other and resemble each other. As has been the case for almost a week now, and the scorching wave that has crossed France, violent storms are hitting the country. Thus, this Saturday morning, Météo France places 12 departments in orange vigilance, against five Friday evening.

And the forecaster to worry about “strong thunderstorms (who) will be organized this afternoon (Saturday) and this evening between Auvergne, Burgundy, Champagne and Lorraine”. This alert, which could be extended during the day, is valid until Sunday morning.

This new stormy episode could give these regions heavy showers, “up to 20 to 30 mm of rain in a short time”, warns Météo France and strong gusts of wind, “up to 100 km / h locally”.

Similarly, and as was the case in recent days during intense bad weather which has already affected other areas of the country, there are also fears of some hailstorms and strong electrical activity. That is, lightning strikes.

More regions affected?

Météo France also specifies that the number of departments concerned by this storm vigilance could change during the day, in particular between Lorraine and the Lyon region, “but there are still uncertainties about the departments most at risk”, details the forecaster. .

Similarly, 31 departments are placed this Saturday on yellow alert because of these storms. Thus a disturbance will undulate from New Aquitaine and from the east of the Pays de la Loire to the north of the Seine, maintaining overcast and often rainy weather in these regions, announces Météo France.

VIDEO. Houses burned in Île-de-France: “In the South, protection against lightning is compulsory”

The precipitation will be temporarily sustained and sometimes mixed with a thunderclap, between the north of Aquitaine, Poitou-Charentes and the Centre-Val de Loire in the morning, then between the Center and Île-de-France l ‘afternoon.

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