Is my plate sustainable?

by time news

The time gives pride of place to infographics. This one, published in the June 2 edition of the Hamburg weekly, shows the environmental footprint of several foods we eat regularly, taking into account CO2 emissions.2 – the main greenhouse gas – but also the amount of water needed to produce them.

This visualization shows at a glance that the production of one kilo of beef requires 1,000 liters of water and emits almost 17.5 kilos of CO2 equivalent. It is the food in this panel that has the greatest impact on the climate. In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, other types of meat are not left out. That’s why more and more climate change activists – like Sweden’s famous Greta Thunberg – are turning away from meat products.

Nevertheless, the climate is not the only one to suffer from our food preferences. The fresh water that we drink, but which is also used for watering crops, for example, is a limited resource. Preserving it is therefore one of the keys to a sustainable diet. Knowing which foods require large quantities to produce – such as almonds – can help us make informed choices.

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