Attack on Bennett and the government: “They wanted to destroy the people of Israel”

by time news
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Rabbi David Ohayon, rabbi of Alfei Menashe and chairman of the city rabbis’ committee, this evening (Saturday evening) referred to the fall of Naftali Bennett and Matan Kahana and the spiritual decrees: “This is a crusade, this is a journey of Islam, to destroy the people of Israel.”

Rabbi Ohayon was invited to give the Shiur of Rabbi HaMakdiim in the weekly Shiur of Rishon LeZion Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, the Chief Rabbi and President of the Chief Rabbinical Council, at the Yazdim Synagogue.

At the end of his speech, after the entry of Rishon Lezion, Rabbi Ohayon referred to the difficult year of the Chief Rabbinate: “This is a crusade, this is a journey of Islam, to destroy the people of Israel, it is more dangerous because it is from within. Compare it even to ice, ice has another affair in his name – God made a rescue last Wednesday, God saved the people of Israel.

“On matters of kashrut,” Father Ohayon added, “he wanted to bring some bodies that they feed scoundrels and prey on the people of Israel and wanted to bring them in and abolish the chief rabbinate and it is God who saved us.”

He said: “He wanted to appoint judges, B.H. was unable to appoint even one judge. “God does not succeed in the way of the wicked.”

The rabbi concluded: “As chairman of the committee of city rabbis, I told all the rabbis, no one met with these wicked people (members of the government. Y. K.) and so it was, B.H. I tell you that it shortened the days of this damned government. “It caused the defeat of these wicked people who wanted to destroy Judaism from within.”

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