The debate on marriage for all revived without success in the Czech Parliament

by time news

“Let’s talk about sex”, offers its readers Respect as the title of the cover full of red hearts of its latest issue. “Why is it so difficult, when it is beneficial, and where to start”, wonders the liberal weekly above a drawing showing a man trying to seduce a woman in a modern tone: “I can offer democratic sex, including a harmony of souls, as a consensual act centered on the satisfaction of the woman taking into account the greater emancipation of women or sexual minorities.”

Less naughty in its inside pages, the magazine devotes a long article to sex education and love in all its forms in a country, the Czech Republic, where the deputies recently reopened the debate on marriage for all without however achieve a significant step forward, as the editor-in-chief of Respect. “A country that believes in love is stronger”, he says in the title of his editorial, before specifying

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Respect (Prague)

Rare Czech title to offer a complex analysis of current events in the world, Respect has become, over the years, since its launch in 1989, following the fall of the former communist regime, the reference media for the written press in the Czech Republic. Although owned by Zdenek Bakala, a controversial billionaire who made his fortune notably in the mining industry, this liberal-oriented weekly stands out for its critical tone. With a predominantly young, urban and educated readership, the magazine emphasizes investigative reporting and social issues.

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