The restaurants that will close the month for you: the London, the family and the trigger

by time news

Summer is hot, and it’s not just global warming. Tel Aviv cuisine continues to expand and branch out, and alongside new restaurants stand countless food establishments competing for the limited space in your stomach. So instead of wandering around the city starving with no clear destination, we have collected for you the best restaurants our visitors have visited (did you understand what we did here?) Over the past month. Take this as a personal recommendation from him.

Coco Thai (Afik Gabay photo)

Night Kitchen: What do these Brits know we do not?

What is: A sane corner in the heart of a crazy city. A restaurant with a light atmosphere and a more sane price, which reminded us that value for money is a reward for a term that still survives in the city.

You should go if: All you want is a pleasant and delicious evening, but you can not (or are not willing) to pay for dishes as if you were a high-tech worker.

The critic’s thing: “The dough, reminiscent of focaccia from before, was perfect. Just the right thickness, just the right degree of baking, crispy on the outside but still soft on the inside. “Can not erase the smile.” For the full review
For details

In London they eat it on the left.  Night kitchen (Photo: Matan Kedar)

In London they eat it on the left. Night kitchen (Photo: Matan Kedar)

Dive In Avenue: Excellent food at a moderate price

What is: A food restaurant on a nostalgic location on Ben Gurion Boulevard. A cozy, bright place with a non-binding atmosphere that just wants to fill your stomach (and that of your children).

You should go if: You are a family and everyone has the kind of food he likes, or you have returned from the sea with a munch that only a very original gyrus will take care of.

What the reviewer said: “It’s hard to complain when the dish is so delicious and original. I do not think this thing goes like gyros in Greece, but who cares? It’s just delicious to Allah. The accompanying packaging and vegetables definitely leave it in the gyros areas, The seasoning also does not try to imitate the Greek origin, but brings something new and especially delicious. ” For the full review
Ben Gurion Blvd. 34, more details on the website

The Greeks will disagree with us, but what a delicious gyrus. "Drive in the avenue".  Photo by Yah"צ

The Greeks will disagree with us, but what a delicious gyrus. “Drive in the avenue.” PR photo

Meat and Wine Trigger: The meat restaurant we need

What is: From the people who brought us the Coco Bambino and Pat Cao, Trigger is a restaurant with an impressive meat experience at relatively sane prices. Oh, and they also have chips and mashed potatoes that blew our brains out. Yes, the chips and mashed potatoes.

You should go if: You are desperate carnivores who only dream of another small taste at a reasonable price.

The critic’s thing: “The taste of the meat danced in our mouths, the combination of the charred outer side and the softness of the inner parts was delightful and everything managed to be Schrödinger’s steak – one that at once manages to have a body that allows bite properly, and also dissolves on the tongue like a cloud.” For the full review
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New and interesting chunks.  Meat and Wine Trigger (Photo by Dor Sharon)

New and interesting chunks. Meat and Wine Trigger (Photo by Dor Sharon)

Coco Thai: A restaurant that shatters stigmas about beach restaurants

What is: The place in question by Nadav and Daniel (good atmosphere, cocktails in abundance, Thai food (beware of the spicy) and I will rent a good restaurant on the beach. Nothing understandable to him in Tel Aviv.

You should go if: You want the Las Vegas version of Thailand and shrimps Allah Yatur and fried fish just perfect

What the reviewer said: “It’s a really dirty dish. And dirty. Mainly because the shrimp come unpeeled which requires handwork. But it’s totally worth it, because these are the most beautiful, most meaty and delicious shrimp we’ve eaten in a long time. On a day that will be the standard of seafood in Tel Aviv “You will know that we are on the right path.” For the full review
For details

Shattering the stigmas.  Coco Thai (Photo: Afik Gabay)

Shattering the stigmas. Coco Thai (Photo: Afik Gabay)

Bicyclata: The green pearl beyond the concrete

What is: An old bar-restaurant that provides some rest and a farm in a hidden corner on Nahalat Binyamin. The food did not get much enthusiasm from our critics (except for one dish), but the atmosphere just wins.

You should go if: You miss a place like Cafe Sonia in an anonymous alley, which creates a relaxed atmosphere of a backyard.

What the critics say: “Before we treat the edible part, we can not ignore an exceptional service experience from the beginning to the end of the meal. Place)”. For the full review
Bichikalta, Nahalat Binyamin 29

we got home.  Bichikalta.  Photo: Sapir Kusa

we got home. Bichikalta. Photo: Sapir Kusa

Shawarma Elias

What is: A shawarma pop-up that threatens to fight for first place

You should go if: You want to decide for yourself who The best shawarma in Tel Aviv

The critic’s thing: “Its taste is very delicate, with a minimalist seasoning when it comes to shawarma, one that leaves the stage for the deep meat flavors. With each chew it is released more from its taste, and the bite becomes more and more complex as you continue to eat “Of fresh vegetables and breaks down into factors. Every bite is an experience.” For the full review
Soncino 5, changing days (it is recommended to check on Avi Elias’ Instagram)

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