Beautiful to choose with “eating” to be nutritious.

by time news

Most women are afraid of and make you fat Therefore, try to limit food such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

If so, how to eat? So you will have a good figure and good health…this story. Assistant Professor Dr. Sriwattana perfect mind Nutritionists have stated that

Flour and sugar are the scariest.

“Starch and sugar foods are eaten very quickly. Rice starch takes 30-40 minutes to digest, while sweet water, iced coffee, iced tea, and fruit juice takes only 10 minutes.

For example, some people eat coffee and cereal for breakfast, fruit juice, and don’t eat eggs. but immediately enters the body to provide energy But most of these people will sit and work for a long time. The body therefore accumulates a lot of fat.

what helps is Protein should also be eaten. because it will be mixed with flour and sugar make gastric juice efficient Starch and sugar are not digested too quickly. Protein is essential in every meal.”


Protein should not be lacking.

“Breakfast must limit flour and sugar. If you don’t have fat clogged arteries or heart disease, you can eat eggs a day. Eggs are the best protein. because it has good cholesterol As for fruit juices, no fiber, high sugar, if the body does not use it all, it will turn into fat.

lunch Have to eat more protein than breakfast. If you want to eat a bowl of noodles a bowl of cauliflower Half of the line must be scooped out. In Kaohsiung, we will get more protein. but must be eaten with fruits and vegetables Because fiber acts like a sponge to absorb excess fat. in order for the body to absorb nutrients adequately

Cold hands don’t eat?

“A lot of people don’t eat dinner. but eat fruits and vegetables instead Women will understand that vitamins and minerals. I can tell you that I’m not skinny. back to make fat easily

Another thing that I do not know The body repairs itself while sleeping, 70% repairs tissues and muscles. If we sleep well wake up in the morning to be refreshed

Eating all three meals makes sense, and anyone who tries to cut back on two meals. Initially, the weight may be reduced. But the weight lost causes muscle mass to disappear as well.

and every time you gain weight will be the weight of pure fat The proportions of the body have changed, that is, thin muscles, thick fat, notice that the muscles are not as tight as before.”

Eat food according to the principles of nutrition

“Basically, you have to eat all food groups. Minimize starch and sugar in moderation. Protein should not be reduced too much. People who think of fasting with cold hands will be difficult to lose weight muscles are loose Dinner should be eaten around 4-5 o’clock, should not eat at one o’clock already.

The secret to losing weight is If you eat flour and sugar should eat little because the body has to gradually use energy For example, if you want to eat snacks like cookies, cakes, you need to find protein foods to eat together. Maybe milk, yogurt or grilled pork, ending with fruit.”

Beautiful to choose with “eating” to be nutritious.

(Foods that contain a lot of flour and sugar should be consumed in moderation)

If you want to be slim, you don’t need to starve.

“You have to know when to eat. If you want to lose weight But I want to eat both snacks and rice flour, which are the same group of carbohydrates. must choose one If both of them consume more energy

In addition, if you are eating spicy food such as papaya salad, spicy salad, spicy salad, Nam Tok, or soup dishes, most suki sauce contains a lot of MSG. If the salinity is reduced must drink a lot of water The body needs only one teaspoon of salt per day. But Thai food that we eat will give us about 1 tablespoon of saltiness.

people who like to drink alcohol Should have side dishes such as nuts, cashew nuts, fried chicken, steamed fish, should not be eaten as a snack (flour) and alcohol should be drunk after meals. It will help the sugar gradually be used as energy in the body. if drinking beer Without eating other foods, the body will accumulate a lot of fat.”

An empty stomach should not exercise.

“You should not exercise on an empty stomach when there is no nutrition in your body. will cause the loss of muscle mass in the body Exercise should be an hour or two after eating. to stimulate the body to get rid of fat If you exercise in the morning Maybe drink milk first or eat eggs. a little fruit and then come back to have breakfast after the workout is over.

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