“In this critical period for the cohesion of France, everyone must face up to their responsibilities”

by time news
Emmanuel Macron, in Puycelsi (Tarn), for an exchange with the inhabitants followed by a speech, June 9, 2022.

Res-pon-sa-bi-li-té: the word is on everyone’s lips in this post-election period. Faced with a risk of blocking our institutions and public action, everyone is placed before their own. In his televised address on June 22, the Head of State, for lack of an absolute majority in the National Assembly, called on the government and the elected deputies of the Together! deal with this unprecedented situation “either by building a coalition contract, or by building majorities text by text”.

At the same time, he asked the opposition to come out “quarrels and political postures” to achieve ” compromise “. His political adversaries answer him in unison that it is, on the contrary, Emmanuel Macron to be “responsible” by sketching out a project that takes into account the new balance of power. The dialogue of the deaf can last a long time.

The responsibility for our representatives is not just to seek consensus for consensus’s sake. The first of these would be to encourage the country to come out of the denial in which it has locked itself since the deployment of “whatever the cost”. The cornucopia of “magic money” made by central banks has anesthetized minds and political programs, which only talk about the redistribution of wealth without asking how to give themselves the means to create more beforehand.

Read also: No “blank check”, “the blockage is him”: Emmanuel Macron’s outstretched hand welcomed freshly by the opposition

During the presidential and legislative election campaigns, the software of politicians seemed stuck in the mode of unbridled post-Covid-19 growth. Regardless of the war, inflation, rising interest rates, the specter of recession, France continues, with guilty levity, to widen its deficits and inexorably run up debt in the face of the injunctions of public opinion. public never satiated.

The expenditure for only compass

At the cost of a unique budgetary effort in Europe, the government has reduced, for households, the inflation bill by two points compared to the euro zone average. But who pays attention to these tens of billions swallowed up by rising prices? Pending the presentation of a new “purchasing power” law before the Assembly, the time remains for one-upmanship, as if the measures already adopted had only served to water the desert.

The increase in public spending has become the sole compass of French politics. However, the deterioration of the macroeconomic context leaves little doubt: sooner or later, unpopular measures will have to be considered. It remains to find the brave to take them on.

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