the dangers of summer for our eyes (and how to prevent them)

by time news

P. A.



The arrival of summer brings with it a change of habits that may have negative effects on our eyes. Solar radiation, contact with water (especially in swimming pools), sand, heat or air conditioning are some of the factors that can compromise our eye health.

“People are mainly aware of protecting their skin in the summer, but we have found that eye care is still a pending issue,” explains Dr. Álvaro Fernández-Vega González, from the retina and vitreous unit of the Fernández-Vega Ophthalmological Institute. In summer heto solar radiation it increases exponentially and it is not only important to protect yourself on sunny days, but also on cloudy ones, since clouds let 90% of ultraviolet radiation through.

The sun is the main enemy of our eyes at this time and can cause us a large number of conditions if we are not careful, but spending so much time in the sea or in the poolor expose ourselves for long periods in front of the air-conditioningIt can also cause us some health problems.

Avoid excessive sun exposure

First of all, you have to be careful with the sun, since exposure to UV rays in the eyes can cause problems such as actinic keratitis, which appears after prolonged exposure of the eyes to the sun without adequate protection and presents photophobia, pain, tearing and red eye. To prevent it, it is best to wear sunglasses that are approved and tested.

Also the conjunctival degenerationswhich cause abnormal growth of the conjunctiva on the cornea due to overexposure to the sun, which can cause dry eye, tearing or foreign body sensation.

It is important reduce hours of sun exposure, especially in the hours of more radiation. Also, in summer do not underestimate the reflections of light, since, as with snow, beach sand and water reflect sunlight.

To a lesser extent than those mentioned above, UV rays can produce conditions in the retina or even accelerate the appearance of cataracts.

Prevention in swimming pools and beaches

The chlorine It is necessary to maintain the correct maintenance of the swimming pools. However, care must be taken when this substance comes into contact with the eyes, since an excess can irritate and be harmful. In addition, in the pools you can also find some bacteria and microorganisms. One of the most feared is Acanthamoebawhich can cause severe keratitis.

Reduce the use of contact lenses: contact lenses favor dry eyes and keratitis. One of the most serious pathologies among contact lens wearers is Acanthamoeba keratitis, a serious ailment that requires intensive treatment and even a cornea transplant, leaving serious sequels to vision. That is why it is important to be extremely hygienic in their use, not to bathe with them or abuse their use.

protect con diving goggles to avoid direct contact with salt, chlorine and the different organisms found in the water. One of the most recurrent infections is conjunctivitisand that is why we must try to avoid sharing towels, makeup, the use of contact lenses and touching the eyes with dirty hands.

Be careful with the air conditioning

High temperatures force most places to turn on the air conditioning. The eyes are affected, since cold air dries more than hot air. The best solution against dry eye is the use of artificial tears, which will help hydrate the ocular surface and reduce the concentration of allergens and particles.

It is important that, before the frequent road trips in this season, we check our eyesight and go to the ophthalmologist. We can apply these tips both in summer and in the rest of the year. If we complement them with healthy lifestyle habits such as avoid exposure to tobacco smokestaying hydrated or eating a correct diet and balanced diet (elements such as Omega 3 and vitamins A, C and E are beneficial for our visual health), we will be giving our eyes the best protection.

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