7 reasons why people lose weight with the IF method doesn’t work and the metabolism is broken.

by time news

Intermittent fasting, or IF, is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. And doctors recommend using this method to control weight. Including improving the general health of the body, but if doing the IF incorrectly, besides losing weight is not effective There is also a risk of metabolic system failure. Easy to get fat, too.

Dr. Nantaphon Phongrattanaman, advisor Vascular Surgery Department Phramongkutklao Hospital or Dr. Top identifies 7 reasons why people lose weight with the IF method ineffective and their metabolism is broken as follows:

  1. changing meal times too quickly

The change in eating time is too fast that the body can’t adjust. The body may be too stressed. and make us unable and want to quit because suffering from hunger especially those who are addicted to sweet Likes to eat sweets, it’s harder to start doing IF than others.
Therefore, if you want to gradually Acclimatize the body to the changing eating times. People who are addicted to sweets begin by skipping snacks between meals and gradually adjust their eating times to 12/12 first, then adjust to longer break times later.

  1. think of doing IF is only weight loss.

Although doing IF can actually lose weight. But it’s just one technique that helps weight loss work. In fact, we can make IF into a regular routine. You don’t have to be someone who wants to lose weight alone. We should aim for IF rather than losing weight. Maybe doing IF for better health. have a better life Longer, stronger, etc.

  1. eating too little

Whenever we eat too little The body will begin to adjust the metabolism to work less. in order for the body to enter a state of preserving energy as much as possible Because the body begins to know that it is getting less food than usual. Therefore, when doing IF during eating time should be full should not eat too little and choose the right foods, such as low-carb diets, etc.

  1. Eating too much carbohydrates (starch or sugar)

The purpose of doing IF is to reduce the amount of insulin in the body. But eating a lot of carbohydrates will increase insulin Thus making the work in the body counter to each other. and whenever the body has high insulin The body will store more fat. and makes it easy to get fat and easy to be hungry

  1. eating too much protein

Doing IF doesn’t require you to eat too much protein. Eat in moderation, or about 1 palm per meal, and it is recommended to eat natural protein. More than synthetic protein, protein brew, protein powder, because if you eat too much protein and not exercising enough or appropriate to the amount of protein they eat Instead of protein, it helps build muscle. may make us fatter instead

  1. eating too much fat

If you choose to do IF by following a ketogenic diet, focusing on eating fat, the purpose is to let your body know that you are eating only fat in order for your body to extract energy from fat instead. In addition, the body rarely stimulates insulin. But if you eat too much fat The body may burn only the extra fat you eat. Does not burn fat from the liver, blood vessels or belly that is the same fat that exists in the body Therefore, fat should be eaten in accordance with the needs of the body.

  1. too much stress

when we’re stressed The body will secrete a lot of the hormone cortisol. and may cause the metabolism to stop working, the health will be poor and the weight will be easy to gain Losing weight will be ineffective. including exercising too hard Stressing the body too much and losing weight doesn’t work as well.

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