Turns into carcinogens .. Food foods that should not be heated in the microwave! • Al Marsad newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Russian nutrition expert, Dr. Yelena Solomatina, revealed some foodstuffs that are not recommended to be heated in microwave ovens, because eating them afterwards negatively affects the organs of the body.

According to “Russia Today”, “Solomatina” said that when these substances are exposed to heat treatment using microwave ovens, they affect the nervous system when ingested, as they contain substances that, after heating, can negatively affect the kidneys and can cause poisoning, explaining that potatoes and eggplant contain: Solanine, which becomes more active and practical, becomes toxic when heated, and nitrates in beets, carrots, radishes and celery when heated turn into carcinogenic nitrosamines, which damage the nervous system and kidneys and cause poisoning, and can lead to the death of the fetus in the woman’s womb. pregnant woman Therefore, these materials are not recommended even to expose them to the sun.

“Fermented products and acidic dairy products lose their properties when heated in microwave ovens, as this process destroys the beneficial bacteria present in them,” the nutritionist added.

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