Marco Giallini: “Social networks? I would piss on them”

by time news

“The generational clash? It was canceled by social. By now they are all prey to social media, from 15 to 70 years … but I would piss on social media! “. The actor does not mince words Marco Gialliniin Taormina for the preview of the film ‘My shadow is yours’ – based on the novel by Edoardo Nesi published by La Nave di Teseo and directed by Eugenio Cappuccio, with Giuseppe Maggio and Isabella Ferrari among the main performers, producer Domenico Procacci – in the context of ‘Taormina Film Festival’which from tomorrow will be in two hundred cinemas.

The feature film, which could also be included in the category of ‘on the road’ films even if this could appear reductive for the more complex development of the plot, is based on the relationship between a ‘old yet young’ it’s a ‘young already old’, or a writer of great fame but who, after the success of his first and only work, has retired to the Tuscan countryside for 25 years; and a recent graduate boy sent by the publishing house to the novelist’s cottage to persuade him to write the sequel, especially after a influencer announced on his social profile that the writer is working on it and has the title already ready, obtaining an avalanche of ‘likes’ and an invitation to Milan to present, among the crowd of followerthe new book still far from being written.

“I built this character by subtraction from Edoardo Nesi’s novel – he explains Marco Giallini – But there is certainly something about me, as happens with all the characters I accept to play. “As for the acting timbre,” one always takes something from great actors, even those who are not actors in life do it … it’s normal, but in this film I’m not even a Roman, or at least I hope my Roman accent won’t betray me, maybe in the north they don’t notice it … “.

On set, the actor acknowledges without false modesty, “we did a great job and I enjoyed it, it was a great emotion for me, I would say a blow to the heart. They tell me that today I am much loved by the public. Why? Well , because I deserve it! “, he answers with a laugh, banning all reluctance and shyness.

“And besides, up to the age of 28 I had only done eighth grade, but now I have a degree in Literature, I am a ‘humanist’; and I like to fight against all clichés. social, by brands, by followers, by likes. To many who write and post photos, who are prey to these social networks, I would ask with the raw Roman irony: ‘what is your teacher dead?’ cradled by the wall? ‘… “.

Moving on from the big screen to the small screen, the actor will once again take on the role of the commissioner Rocco Schiavone no longer broadcast on Rai2 but on the flagship network of Viale Mazzini, he comments: “Will the ‘Rocco Schiavone’ series go to Rai1? they will see on the platform of Amazonin the evening they go out and live, they don’t sit in front of the TV “.

“Myself, I look little Rai1, there are no things that really drive me crazy … “, he says without making too many calculations of opportunism, a bit like Rocco Schiavone, the protagonist of the homonymous TV series, would do. The Roman actor remembers that” the series Rocco Schiavone’s TV attracted 4 million viewers in its first season and was the most viewed fiction among young graduates and graduates. Then, it fell in the audience because young people prefer to see it on platforms rather than on television “.

(of the envoy Enzo Bonaiuto)

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