Oof! What to do with a smelly belly button?

by time news

Your belly button is very small, but that doesn’t make it any less important to keep clean. Good hygiene is important to prevent infections and a bad odor. Despite taking your navel with you during your shower, there will still be a odd smell from you belly button? We tell you what you can do about it and how you can prevent it.

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nasty navel smell

There is no immediate reason to panic if you notice a strange smell coming from your belly button. As with the rest of your skin, dead skin cells fall from the side and inside of your belly button. Your belly button is basically a ‘hole’ where an accumulation of these cells can form that mix with sweat and dirt. If there is no redness in and around your belly button, there is no reason to worry. There are some people who are more prone to build up of dirt in the skin causing a foul odor from the navel. This often has to do with the shape. With a deeper navel, there is more chance of bad odors. It may also be the case that you recently had a belly button piercing or that it has become inflamed, causing an odor.


Clean your navel well

If you don’t clean your navel properly, you run the risk of an accumulation of fluff, dirt, sweat and bacteria, which can lead to infections. This is accompanied by itchy skin that is red. And let’s be honest, no one wants that, right?! By only showering and washing you should be able to remove most of the fluff and bacteria, but if you have a protruding belly button, it is useful to clean it extra well from the inside. For example, you can use a cotton swab with soap and water. Disinfecting with a little pure alcohol is also a good idea. If the bad smell or the infection does not go away, it is wise to make an appointment with your doctor or a dermatologist.


Underlying Issues

It could also be that your smelly belly button is caused by an underlying problem. This could simply be poor hygiene, an infection that persists for a long time, or a skin condition or cyst. Let’s take a closer look at the last two.

Skin condition

If there is a skin condition, this could cause inflammation and extra build-up of bacteria in small, somewhat inaccessible places such as the navel. In psoriasis or an autoimmune disease, the skin changes and turns red. The flakes can end up in the navel, causing a build-up. Eczema can also cause problems in and around the navel. If you experience one of these conditions or symptoms in combination with a smelly belly button, it is wise to contact a dermatologist. They often know what to do.

a cyst

Another cause of a smelly belly button is a cyst. This can be, for example, a sebaceous gland cyst where a subcutaneous bump has arisen due to a clogged hair follicle. The cyst can ignite and burst open, after which a dirty substance runs out. Yikes!

So keep cleaning well to get a smelly belly to prevent!


Also read: Couperose: everything about this annoying skin condition + what you can do about it

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