At least 46 people have been killed trying to enter the United States illegally Dynamics

by time news

San Antonio: The tragic death of 46 people who tried to enter the United States illegally through a ‘trailer’ vehicle without enduring the heat.
A trailer truck was parked on the side of the road in the suburbs of San Antonio, Texas, USA. A passerby was shocked to hear a moan from the trailer asking for help. Police were called and the trailer door was opened. Police were shocked to find 46 people dead inside.

Sixteen people were rescued and taken to hospital after lying unconscious. As a result, many died of suffocation due to extreme heat. Some have died without drinking water.

Police say they came to San Antonio illegally from Mexico. Many people from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are trying to enter the United States illegally.

Thus the United States has intensified surveillance in the border provinces. Yet trailer trucks are disappearing in refrigerated vehicles carrying groceries and trying to enter the United States. Thousands of them die tragically of suffocation and unbearable heat.


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