faced with the increase in cases, would it be useful to reinstate the mask in transport?

by time news
The mask is no longer compulsory in public transport since May 16. Philippe LOPEZ / AFP

THE CHEKING PROCESS – This is what the Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon “asked”, who, without however going “to the extent of the obligation”, speaks of a quasi “citizen duty”. On what scientific basis?

A strong incentive, but not yet an obligation. Monday evening, June 27, on RTL, the Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon asked “the French to put the mask back on transport“, in the face of the increase in Covid-19 cases in France. “I would not go as far as the obligation, but I ask (it). You only have to look at a crowded station hall or train to know that you have to protect yourself and others. It’s almost a civic duty“, insisted the minister, even evoking the wearing of the mask in all”closed places».

For several days, specialists have followed one another on television sets to demand the return of this protection now well known to the French, abandoned on May 16. In question, the upward curve of Covid-19 cases in France since mid-June. According to the Our World in Data database, France has thus recorded more than 71,000 new daily cases on average over seven days to Monday June 27. By comparison, that number stood at just over 15,000 on June 13. For now, this rebound has not translated into a sharp rise in hospital admissions and critical care. But he raises the question, as at the start of each wave, of a return to certain health restrictions, including the wearing of a mask in transport. And its obligatory nature.

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