Nanotechnology In Medicine The Doctor

by time news

Nanotechnology in medicine or nanomedicine is a name that refers to the field of research and technology of nanometrical-sized materials used in the medical field. One nanometer is one divided by a billion meters. A nanometer nanometer is marked with the letters nm. When referring to nanotechnology in medicine in particular and nanotech in general, we are referring to the field in which materials are used that are between individual nanometers and tens of nanometers.

What is Nano Medicine? Photo: pixabay Pete Linforth

Nanomedicine focuses on the medical applications of nanoparticles like nanospheres or nanotubes. Applications of nanotechnology in the field of medicine are used in many medical fields such as the development of medical equipment in dentistry, materials, their equipment and treatments for the treatment of cardiology, thrombosis or nanoparticle treatment in anti-cancer treatments.

Nano Medicine and Nano Robots

Nano medicine is used to diagnose diseases and medical conditions. For example for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Nanomaterials also help as nano-devices that aim to detect cancerous growths at particularly early stages and mark them as a focus for targeted treatment.

An application that researchers in research and development laboratories in academia and industry are engaged in is building robots in the medical field. The purpose of nano-robots is to help treat diseases and medical conditions using tiny robots.

What is Nano Medicine?

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