the government’s minimum precautions

by time news

With a 53% increase in Covid cases in one week, France is back among the very first countries in the world in terms of incidence rate and dynamics of the epidemic, according to the Ourworldindata site. This seventh wave, started in early June, ended up triggering a stir on the executive side. The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, brought together, Tuesday, June 28, the prefects and the directors general of the regional health agency (ARS) in order to remobilize the services of the State and recall some non-binding prevention messages.

Read also: Covid-19: sharp increase in contamination, the government multiplies prevention messages

“Despite the signs of the epidemic resuming for several weeks, there had not been, until now, any awareness messages on the importance of prevention”regrets Mahmoud Zureik, professor of epidemiology and public health at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin (Yvelines).

However, the number of contaminations is skyrocketing: from June 19 to 25, 70,155 new infections per day were recorded, according to the general direction of health. The incidence rate, which jumped 53% compared to the previous week, reached 732 cases per 100,000 inhabitants – this increase was observed in all metropolitan areas and in all age groups. The rate of positive tests reaches 28%, which is ” huge “according to Mahmoud Zureik.

Surge in cases

From June 21 to 28, there were 5,886 new hospitalizations over the week (+ 48% compared to the previous seven days), including 62% for Covid-19, 522 critical care admissions (+ 25%), 262 in resuscitation and 285 deaths. On June 28, 491 people were hospitalized in intensive care for Covid-19. “While the impact of the epidemic on hospital services remains low at this stage, viral circulation is strong “, notes Matignon. An infected person contaminates an average of 1.45 others.

Faced with this new outbreak of cases, the Prime Minister asked the prefects and general managers of ARS to amplify prevention messages to the population, local authorities and elected officials. They are asked to “remember the following instructions” : wash hands frequently; regularly ventilate enclosed spaces; wear a mask in crowded places, enclosed spaces and in particular on public transport during busy periods; test yourself at the first symptoms and isolate yourself immediately if positive.

“These recommendations could have been made a few weeks ago “says Mahmoud Zureik. And then, he wonders, why place hand washing before the ventilation of closed places – a fundamental measure – and before wearing a mask? And why not recommend self-isolation at the first symptoms? “ We would gain from a few hours to a few days,” according to the academic.

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