Fabien Roussel proposes a tax on the “superprofits” of oil companies, the government opposes it

by time news

The leader of the Communist Party and deputy of the North, Fabien Roussel announced, Wednesday, June 29, at the microphone of Europe 1, that he was going to file a bill for ” immediately lower gasoline taxes by 35 cents” and for “tax the profits of oil companies”.

“I will table a bill today aimed at immediately reducing gasoline taxes by 35 cents, we are a few days away from leaving on vacation, a liter of gasoline is flirting with 2.30 euros, 2.50 euros, it is unbearable for many of our fellow citizens, including for workers who need their car to get to work”he explained to the radio morning, before specifying that this bill would propose “at the same time to tax exceptionally over 2021-2022 the profits of oil companies, including Total”.

According to him, the National Assembly has the power to implement this measure ” immediately “ and that’s why he “returns the ball to the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic”. « Instead of asking us if we are ready to participate in a government, I ask them: “Are you ready to support such a bill?” », added Mr. Roussel.

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The executive prefers to put pressure on large groups

“We are going to ask oil companies to make an effort to lower prices at the pump”, said Wednesday, on France 2, Clément Beaune, the Minister Delegate in charge of Europe. For the moment, “there is no question of introducing a tax”he added, when Mr. Attal judged, on the line of Bruno Le Maire, that a tax on « superprofits » would not be the most efficient or the fastest measure.

« No arbitration is taken [sur le sujet,] we’re watching, it’s typically one of the things we’re discussing with the opposition right now.”, said, for its part, on BFM-TV, the government spokeswoman, Olivia Grégoire. The latter is said, however, “very sensitive to the argument” defended by Bercy: “We want these rebates and these reductions directly at the pump on the price of the liter rather than going through the State through a tax that must then be redistributed. »

In an interview given to Echos published this Wednesday, Bruno Le Maire said that the government was waiting for companies “concrete proposals that directly improve the purchasing power of the French”. “We are discussing with Total, as well as with the carrier CMA CGM, (…) we prefer that the money go directly into the pockets of the French rather than into the coffers of the State”, he said. At the microphone of France inter, Wednesday, Gabriel Attal again clarified the government’s idea. “Going through a tax, going through the tax that the State will come to levy, it takes much longer than asking these companies to put in place measures in favor of the purchasing power of the French. »

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